Posts by Skybound 51
January 07, 2010
EZ rejected my second article because it was an unfavourable review of an internet marketing product. Apparently they don't allow anything that shows anyone or their product / service in a negative way. Well, as I've made honesty my trademark, this meant seeking out an alterantive outlet. Hello ArticlesBase! 24 hours later, AB email me with their stamp of approval. The review is now live. Let's hear it for diversity!
January 07, 2010
Hot on the heels of the opt-in success I wrote about a few days ago with my GSN site, I have just received my first-ever out-of-nowhere opt-in for my internet marketing site.  Yee- hah! This is the first step towards me getting the two WA sales I've set as my target for this month in my Super Affiliate plan. I've had very little traffic to the site since building it simply because I was so busy with GSN that I didn't do anything to promote it. But this month I started an article and SB camp
Took me longer to write than I anticipated, but I've just submitted my first FTS article. Think I might take a look at Rapid Writer to see if it might make things a bit faster.
January 05, 2010
Today was the day of the mass manual emailing for my client's skincare site. I say mass but it was only 52 names and addresses. And the wonder of the web is already in evidence. Opt-ins are building up nicely, from both regular and lapsed customers. All my messing about getting to grips with Aweber is starting to pay off. I don't know why it is but I get a bit of a kick out of seeing every new email that Aweber sends me telling me we have another sign-up. Yeh, I'm enjoying this. Just imagine ho
January 05, 2010
I love it. You write an article, punt it out and before you know it, there it is on the web, ready for you to slap your social bookmarks on. I've been late coming to this as I've been so tied up developing the GSN website, but I'm pleased with how it's going so far. I now have 1 article up at EZ, another pending approval. I have 2 articles up at AB - which I only submitted yesterday. I have a ton of ideas for more articles. On top of this, today I unearthed a MaxBounty product I have decided to
Hot on the heels of my first published EZ article, I have just submitted another. This one is designed to kick-start my WA campaign, which has been lying dormant since mid October. It's an edited version of the review I wrote and posted on my dedicated review site for make-money-online resources. I also wrote a second, totally new article for my skincare site and sent it off to I'm also re-reading the WA Super Aff Article Marketing tutorial. I'm on a roll. EDIT: Just set up a
January 03, 2010
This gets the New Year off to a flying start. My first article submission to EZ to promote has just been accepted and is now live. Surprisingly swift turnaround as I only submitted it on Dec 30th. Right, let's get cracking on the next one...
December 31, 2009
I was planning to write a detailed report on what I've achieved since joining WA and what I'm aiming for in 2010. But that's gone by the wayside. Instead, I'll just say this. I've learned a helluva lot in the past 3 months. I'm much more clued up about IM, web design, email marketing, article writing, autoresponders, social bookmarking, backlinking... Yet I've only scratched the surface. And I still haven't got my Super Affiliate campaign underway. So, still loads to learn. Loads to do. Loads to
December 31, 2009
Ever been hassled? Yeah, me too. But pick on me, you pick on the wrong guy. This loans company thinks it's OK to keep calling me and demanding that I call them back. I tell them to stop calling, they carry on. True, I never should've put a real phone number into the online form. It wasn't an application, just an enquiry to check some figures in their online tool. Well, rather than let it get the better of me, I decided to put the power of the web to work. A perfect opportunity to try my hand at
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I am now a signed-up member of: delicious digg diigo propeller  I've played around with a few plugs, but I'm feeling my way through the dark.I don't really know how to make the most of these sites. Nor have I been able to find a comprehensive guide to help me tap into their unquestionable value. I've posted on the forum a couple of times in connection with social bookmarking, but have barely had any response.  Think I might try again.
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