Posts by Skybound 51
Finally got round to completing my first article and submitted it today. With a lot of research into the do's and don'ts I'll be stunned if it isn't accepted (but I know IM is full of surprises). Here are a few of the discoveries I made on the way to writing that first article: - You can add any number of 'alternate author names' - worth doing so you can develop your expert status in a range of different categories without looking like a jack of all trades - You can submit an article under joint
Just a short  note to say thanks to all who've offered suggestions and comments for my site at I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you. I've responded to some of the comments below. One thing I've learned is that a site is never finished - there are always tweaks and additions to make as it evolves and grows. It's great to have other WA members toss in their thoughts - inevitably we will all have our own opinions and perceptions, but IMO they are all valid
December 22, 2009
Still trying to work out my game plan for harnessing the power of social bookmarking / social media. But I have cast the first stone: - signed up to (via Yahoo) - bookmarked my two live sites in delcious - looked again at James K's excellent training tutorial Build Backlinks a How To Guide - posted to the forum in the hope someone can tell me more about how to use digg etc  It will be interesting to see if my traffic kicks up from this. I've heard good things about SB, but I d
I seem to have divided my online life these past few weeks between AWeber and Weebly. Both are great, but both are also a huge pain in the butt sometimes. AWeber's help screens are sorely lacking in places. The whole COI thing is very confusing. But I managed to get it sorted in the end. I'm hoping the way I've now set things up at AWeber - after a steep learning curve, countless test web form completions and several false starts - that everything will run to plan. I've been adding to the site
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December 10, 2009
I've hardly had time to for WA lately. Been busy trying to sort out all kinds of issues with my new site - mainly tail-chasing stuff like how to extract Paypal transaction data and automate responses. Things I'd like to get resolved before I get into pushing for traffic. I've sure learned a lot by building the site myself from scratch though. A lot of dead ends too.Trying to get AWeber to do things it can't. And finding out that Weebly doesn't support PHP or let me upload a robots.txt file. Thin
November 24, 2009
It's been several weeks in the making, and it's left me no time at all for WA, but hopefully, it's been worth it. I've now got the VEO site up and running. VEO is Vitamin E Oil. I'm working with a lovely lady I met earlier this year who makes her own cosmetics. She's been making them for 10 years and has never done any proper marketing. Yet she has had some fantastic feedback from customers. VEO is her star product. So I suggested we set up a solus site for it and put together a full-blown IM ca
November 11, 2009
So frustrating! I have a lot of other commitments right now, so haven't had much time for WA. On the plus side, my physical product site, which I'm going to refer to as my VEO site is shaping up well. Been tapping the brains of WA members for help with web design and ecommerce stuff. More soon...  
October 29, 2009
Seems there's a big shakedown among the article directories right now in the wake of the FTC news. And we're all in the middle of it. So, this is just to update my plan: Squidoo - get a lens out ASAP but not one that focuses exclusively on WA and do not put a direct affliate link in there Ezine - consensus is that EZA is great for Google ranking. Articles need careful prep to gain approval and links must support overall article 'promise' Articlesbase - although some people here have had success
October 26, 2009
Just noting these here so I don't forget. Will write something up on these for my FAQ thread when I have time. And can edit this post to keep the list growing. Where does Gold come from? How do I add a buddy from within the forum? What is Member Rank and how do I change mine? I also have an idea bubbling away for newbies who arrive here and are immediately overwhelmed by the sheer scale of what's on offer. Judging by the constant stream of 'Help, where do I start!' posts from newbies, the curr
Three weeks already! Time is flying by. OTOH, it seems an age since I arrived here at WA and immediately drowned myself in too much information too soon. Lots going on. Let's see how much I can remember: Just finished first public version of my internet-related review site. This is to be my initial target for article links and the first step in my WAU campaign. Google Webmaster Checklist: AddURL; Analytics; Verified; Sitemap Submitted site info to DMOZ Drafted 75% of first article; this to be m
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