Posts by Skybound 51
Well, I already had quite a bit to say, but Kyle has put a rocket under my tail with his challenge to all members here to show what we're made of. So... I'll be back to edit this post later. Meantime... Skybound's super affiliate blog Skybound's thread on the WA Challenge forum
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October 19, 2009
Aside from my WA promo and my 3 other affiliate products, I'm working up an online campaign for a cosmetic product. This has now come to the fore as I am meeting with my 'client' (she's more of a friend) on Wednesday. So I've been beavering away on weebly and have now created another brand new site. I love weebly. It's so easy to build slick-looking sites there. This will be an interesting learning experience for me as this will be an e-commerce site, something new to me. And I will be Senior Af
Interesting that the very tactic I had decided upon in part 1 came up in the WA Affiliate program tutorial. I felt pleased with that. It means I'm already thinking along the right lines. And the many years of offline marketing knowledge I have are likely to prove useful in IM. As noted below, I've just set up my review site. Next step is to plan my campaign to bring in the traffic. Initially, that's going to be through article marketing, forums and social web (got to look into this last one) A
Most of this week went into getting to grips with and then writing up my first website. For the sake of completeness, here’s what I did: Registered for a free build-your-own website account with website Learned the basics of how to use - inc: choosing a design, inserting text and images, adding Google Analytics code, adding meta keywords (unfortunately the setting is site-wide, not page-specific), adding alt-image text, setting off-page color in html Wrote i
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Now that WA has proved its worth to me, it's time to get rolling with my own WA recruitment drive. Here's my thinking so far. As a professional writer, I have a different perspective from many people who are attracted to IM. I can use this as part of my pitch and marketing strategy. I recently tried out a make-money-by-writing-for-the-web 'program' (= book) that was a huge disappointment. I sent it back and got a refund. I can use this experience to review the product and present a better altern
Man, it's so easy to get distracted! Yesterday I spent a load of time reading PPG's suggestions for no-cost IM. I then jumped straight in and checked out a couple of Clickbank products and researched one in detail. But... what happened to last week's game plan! Gathering dust already. So... let's remember, one step at a time. This is what I need to do first: Research the 3 products I chose last week - which are products I am familiar with because I have used them Develop the website content f
So I set about following PPG's step 1: Choose two Clickbank products. That took me a while. What to choose? And how? I'm not convinced I've chosen well even now.  I then spent a good few hours boning up on Product A. My reading has included: - the product's own sales page (which is pretty irritating and far too long) - articles other affs have written on ezine and squidoo - a couple of websites with related info - a lengthy forum thread that was exactly the kind of thing I'd seek out myself
October 12, 2009
This place is a gold mine. I just keep uncovering nugget after nugget. I'd already read some PPG material. But I've now discovered an awesome guide to getting started for nothing c/o her 1000th post I've also discovered a couple of her websites and her ebook One Week Marketing, which has had positive reviews from people here. I may invest in OWM myself ($47 basic or $77 premium - that's clever marketing in itself, to offer two-tier pricing) but only once IM has earned me the cover price plus the
Yes, it sounds ambitious, or maybe even foolish, but I'm kinda excited by the idea. I've just bought 20 domains @ less than $1 each, all with a common word in the name. I will use domain #1 to target niche #1. Once that is set up, Ill move to domain #2 and niche #2. And so on. I'll write articles for each niche. Each article will link to one website. Each site will have a common style, approach and tone of voice. Each site will have entirely different affiliate products. Each site will have link
Good things for me this week: WA has lived up to expectation. There are tons of resources and successful IMers to learn from. I have decided on my initial focus: article writing through I have decided on my niche and have selected three products / merchants to start with I have got my act together and sorted out the basics - b/g reading, research, bookmarks, sign up, blog Not so good things: I haven’t managed my time at all well. I’ve spent many hours online and have not