I have been a victim of identity theft....

Last Update: July 09, 2012
As most of you may know, luck has not really been on my side within the last few weeks. I lost my job on the 29th, the dog got sprayed by a skunk on the 1st, woke up to fraudulent PayPal transactions on the 2nd and just found out over the weekend that someone in NY stole my identity and opened not 1 but 3 store credit cards with the likes of Macy's Nordstrom and Bloomingdales. They attempted to open a 4th with Target but the application was denied, THANK GOD!

I guess what bothers me the most about this whole situation is that we do everything we're supposed to. We own a micro-cut shredder and all sensitive information, including old bank statements, bills etc go through it. Nothing gets tossed in the mail blindly and if it does it may have nothing more than a name and address on it in the case of magazines.

As I write this I am waiting for the local police to arrive to file a report, and then I will be filing a separate one with the FTC. I guess besides my needing to rant, this post is a cautionary tale to all as it is proof that you can still do everything right and still get hit.


Yet another card showed up in the mail today. This one was from Victoria's Secret and apparently the crooks ran up the full balance at Bath & Body Works... Guess I now have good smelling, well dressed thief's running around Brooklyn NY with my info....
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Shawn Martin Premium
Aww, I am so sorry you are going through this. At least they are clean..... :)
Denisara Premium
strange. as soon as I became a member at WA someone in CANADA has stolen MY identity...hmmm. Are we safe here?
smokeywins Premium
Personally I wouldn't be concerned about WA as I've been a member here since 2009... Mine I think occurred when hubby and I applied for a car loan at a local dealer... Have a feeling the info was acquired there...
Telmari Premium
Hi Jennifer - so sorry to hear! Sounds like a bummer of a month! :/ I guess sometimes you can't always win - but who knows how many of these things you HAVE avoided by trying to do things the right way!

As an aside, do you happen to have a good Identity Theft protection plan to help you clean all this up?
smokeywins Premium
I've been doing everything manually.... calling creditors to dispute and close accounts... Have an alert on my credit report, filed police report with local police and FTC.. Not much else I can do but pick up the pieces and clean up the mess...
@RICH. Premium
Hi Jennifer. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been a victim of ID theft, it's happened to several friends and in one instance proved a long haul to sort out. It's the reason some of us are very wary of authorising our FB and Twitter accounts to third-party sites, such as WA. I authorised one legitimate app to use my Twitter account and the co. was sold to another co. who then promptly spammed adult entertainment links in my name. I had some explaining to do about that one! I've also noticed that a lot of people are starting to use privacy cloaking when registering domain names, so that personal info doesn't become available on public databases. Here's keeping my fingers x'd that everything massively improves for you shortly! Rich.