You Can Do It Alone....

Last Update: June 18, 2012
With the right wok ethic that is....

In the relatively short amount of time that I have been back and active with WA, there has been a few mentions of the idea that we will inevitably want to start to outsource some of our workload as we begin to see success in our online business. While I do love the idea of having someone else do the work for me, which ultimately allows me the free time to work on other things, there is still a part of me that can't bring myself to let go of the reigns, if just a little bit, on my business.

Maybe its because I don't currently have the extra cash to outsource, or maybe its just because I feel that someone else could never do the same job that I do, I must admit that one of the most recent articles I read in Entrepreneur magazine was on some level proof that I am not alone in my thinking, providing it is done wisely.

Here's the article:

And I would love to hear any feedback my friends/followers may have.

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jatdebeaune Premium
It's called megalomaniac. Totally understand. I think it's important to keep tight control of your business, especially in the early stages. However, the only way to grow larger is to outsource. There are many parts of this business I'd gladly outsource. I think you just have to find very capable resources and work with them.
ThomasPaul Premium
I like Robert Kiyosaki's book "Cashflow Quandrant". In it he discusses the difference between a business owner and self empolyed.

His definition of a business owner is that you can walk away from your business from a year and it will be more successful than when you left. This is because you have setup systems and your business can operate without you.

His definition of self-employed is that your job owns you. You stop working and your income disappears. I think most internet marketers fall into the self-employed category.

There isn't a "right" category to be in, it's just useful to know where you're at. For me at this point I would much rather be self-employed than an employee. However, at the same time I know eventually I want to be a business owner and I can't be a business owner by doing everything myself.

He also talks about personality traits that people tend to have in different traits. When you're self-employed you tend to want to do everything yourself because you think that "you do it best and no one can do it better".

With business owners they tend to outsource things more because they know that someone else can usually do something faster and better than them.

Maybe you can start with something small to outsource and see how you like it? I've personally liked the results from outsourcing design work way better than what I could do myself not to mention the time I save. Article writing I haven't been as satisfied when I outsourced but that could be due to the price I paid for the article.

I would focus on what you do best whatever that may be and then outsource the rest.

I've outsourced a few things. I always get super-excited when I get the finished product and it's great. Ultimately, there's a lot of things I want to outsource, but I have to prioritize what I outsource due to how much money I have available to outsource.

Ultimately, I want to get to the point where I'm managing my business instead of working in it. Where I'm directing other people and using their expertise in different areas to achieve the goals I want my business to achieve.

Instead of writing articles myself, hiring someone to write articles. Instead of doing social media marketing, hire someone else to do social media marketing. Instead of tweaking my website myself, have a designer to do it.
klrrider Premium
My worst nightmare... get rid of my BOSS and become one! lol
paci Premium
Very good!, I´m a big fan of outsourcing. Like always, you have to be careful
out there when you hiring people to do something for you. (I get scammed two times
and badly in bit bigger projects than article writing)
Anyway, good post and best of luck!
anindochk Premium
We share thoughts on this!
fisheagle Premium
Thought provoking response, thank you!
TduhT182 Premium
I get that!, and I imagine it'll be quite some time before I feel as though I have enough of a handle on this stuff that I can step away and not have it eat my lunch!