Moving at a snails pace.....

Last Update: July 06, 2012
but hoping I am on the right track..... I have been out of the loop for quite awhile and for some reason I keep finding myself thinking that I am not working fast enough. With all this new found free time I still was only able to complete one re-write today. Am I on the right path, or do I still need to pick up the pace?

I am currently putting a fair amount of my faith and hope in achieving some form of success with my WA site, although I have not had any success with it to date. I keep thinking that my site was unsuccessful in the past due to salsey content, as well as the fact that no new content had been added to my site in well over a year, so Google probably just forgot about me.

To date, I have re-worked my home page, the review page, as well as the newly titled Affiliate Marketing for Dummies, How to Build an Online Business with Article Marketing and How to Find Jobs in Connecticut. Oh and the site is:

I would love to hear any feedback that my followers have as I know I am making progress, yet part of me still feels like I'm floundering.

Thanks in advance for the help :-)
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Shawn Martin Premium
One foot in front of the other. You will get there!
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, I took a look at your site. First, you have to assume that all visitors to this site are not online marketers and have no clue on what WA is. I took a look at some of your page links on recent posts. Each of these articles should be pointing or directing the reader to get involved with WA's 10-day free trial offer. You do not do that. I would add this to each of your articles. You can explain on each page just how WA has helped you in writing articles, creating a website, finding a domain, how to look for keywords, and finding niches. According to Jay, banner links not do well as regular ones. The first impression was the banner on the right of your site. I think that you want the visitors to read the information so that they might consider joining WA using the free 10-day offer. I would place the banner link at the bottom of the page. I hope this helps. Good luck! George
leoemery Premium
As fisheagle said you are moving forward - believe me you are doing more than most people, keep moving forward one step at a time and you WILL reach your goals - also at the end of every day celebrate what you have accomplished for the day.

I took a look at your site, I have a few suggestions if that's ok.

I would break up your content into smaller paragraphs, posts and pages. Keep this to 3 sentences 4 at the max.

This makes it easier for people to read and it's also a lot less not hard on the eyes for the reader, also from a physiological point people don't get the feeling of to much information all at once.

Change your "Contact Us" link in your navigational bar to "Contact Me", unless there is an US. If not this site is by you and you information and opinions so being more connected and personal is best - it's about relationships.

And finally, not sure if you are still working on this page but one of your paragraphs under your wealthy affiliate review is centered, it's the one below your graphic.

I hope this helps and keep moving forward.

smokeywins Premium
Thanks for the info about the review page, completely missed that the one paragraph was off... As for the paragraphjs, I'm trying to keep them small with my re-writes. I haven't even had a chance to touch the stuff in my blog yet so thats all old formatting as well as a few of the remaining pages I haven't updated yet. Thanks for the feedback :-)
fisheagle Premium
Well at least you ARE moving, and as far as I know, snails never go in reverse, so keep at it!
smokeywins Premium
That is true. Thanks for the words of encouragement :-)