Shiny Object Syndrome. Roadblocks to Progress, Remedies for Success

Last Update: August 07, 2012

My purpose here is to highlight a common problem and present a remedy:)

I just found these comments from a WAU member, Jchilders.

This is really good advice I think and I want to have this at my fingertips whenever I start falling victim to "shiny object" syndrome. As this is a common roadblock to IM progress I thought you might benefit too, especially newbies:)

This is something us newbies must come to grips with and get at least a little mastery of so that our desired success can become reality.

jchilders comments were a reply to a blog post by Leesworld. You can see Leesworlds post and subsequent replies here -

Jchilders's Reply

"I know it's frustrating. While I haven't been active the ENTIRE time, I've been trying to make IM work since 2008..actually a little before that, but 2008 is when I came to WA."

"Reading through your blog post the problem I see, as it was for me too, was the line about getting halfway through training then seeing something else and changing. This is typically called the 'shiny object' syndrome. When you get distracted by the 'next great whiz-bang' method."

"What I am doing this time around is sticking with ONE method and one method only. I've even unsub-ed from almost all the mailing lists I was on so I wouldn't be constantly bombarded with the next shiny object."

"My suggestion is to find a method that you feel comfortable with and stick with it. As far as products go, find something that will help your readers not what you think will sell well. If you are not passionate about the subject, your readers will see that and not trust you enough to take your recommendations." (bolding mine)

Thanks folks for reading. If you've wobbled a bit then refocus now:)

Thanks too to jchilders for this spot on encouragement.

Rob G:)

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Renni Premium
Nice reminder to stay focused and not get distracted ... I did the same as you and unsubscribed from others' mailing lists for the same reason...I got so tired of those long lame-o sales videos watched for whatever tips I could glean from them...then I thought...whatever I want to know I can get from WA and got rid of all others. Gotta go work on my sites now...C'ya.
splashduck Premium
Yes, I need to focus on some article writing now, my next important step before I go and start another project and have another half done campaign:)