Splashduck Music, Laughing Duck

Last Update: August 15, 2012
This is some of the music I've produced so far this year. It's blues/folk/funk/latin, all original. Have a listen and if you have a moment to share it I'd really appreciate it as you would be helping me in my work of keeping and caring for many small creatures here at our urban farm. Thanks, Rob G & the Splashducks:)

Splashduck Music
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jdeHaan001 Premium
Very cool Splashduck. I could get into listening to that regularly. I grew up listening to rock, soft and heavy, but I've been dissapointed with listening to the same thing over and over on the radio in recent years, so I've been searching for alternative stations, and sound. Softer, pretty stuff mostly. I like your sound.
splashduck Premium
Hey jdeHaan001, thanks for that. I can relate to your comments. I'd be delighted to have you as a regular listener of my music. It's humbling and a privilege when people like and want to return to listen to your original music. I appreciate you stopping by and commenting, thanks:)
Adrian66 Premium
Hey Splashduck, your music you've produced is just amazing. It's really so nice and easy to listen to, you've got a lot of talent. Just loved it thanks keep it up and enjoying life, Adrian :))
splashduck Premium
Thanks Adrian, appreciate you letting me know and glad you like it:)
Shawn Martin Premium
Left you a comment bud.
splashduck Premium
Thanks Shawn, got your comment showing now on the website. Appreciated:)
anindochk Premium
Amazinnnnngggg... Hit the Share Button for every social network :)
splashduck Premium
Hey anindochk, so glad you like it and thanks so much for sharing on social network. I really do appreciate that:)
mama2karsten Premium
I like your style! The sound is great... unique ... refreshing... I am a jazz pianist (on the side)... a lover of music with originality. With your permission I will be glad to post your site in my stock trading group @ Worden.com. These are serious traders that do it for a living all day everyday... It is tedious and easy to get distracted and we all have our trading music that we like to share throughout the day... dictated by market conditions of course... If something happens... someone has a song for that. Really helps with focus.
Thanks for sharing your music... just send me a pm if it is ok to post your web address there.
splashduck Premium
So you're a musician too mama2karsten:) Do you play much and have you recorded any of your music? I'd love to hear. I sent you a pm and happy for you to share Splashduck Music to hard working stock traders:) I've wondered about trying some trading but have no clue where to start. Feel free to email me some info if you like. Thanks for listening and commenting I really appreciate it:)