Are you in the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Area?

Last Update: April 07, 2011

 Hello all WA friends!

I really like the idea that the people from Ottawa and London, Ontario (in the forum) had about forming a group in their local area. I think it's a great way to add another piece to the success puzzle and all of us could benefit greatly by the real-life team effort and support.

Is there anyone on this end of the country in this area (or nearby) that would like to meet up in person and form a group to meet offline with the purpose of helping each other and boosting all our efforts online??

Reply to my post or send me a PM if you like this idea or have another one to throw out there.




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Pounders Premium
This is a great idea, Stacy! To be able to connect offline too. I hope this works out for your area!
magistudio Premium Plus
I'd hop on the ferry every once and a while. :)