Posts by Stacydee 6
August 14, 2012
Hi EveryoneI just wanted to take a minute and say HI to all the people who have decided to follow me in the last 4 months or so. And of course HI to all those who I haven't talked to in a while!! I've been all consumed with my job and my garden for the last few months and haven't really been here very much at all. The garden is starting to wind down and time is shifting more in my favor for the fall and winter, so that'll allow me to get back on track with my sites and all that s
June 07, 2012
Hi EveryoneI seem to be on a pattern of posting a blog every 6 months, so I'm over due for another one now.I haven't had a lot of time on the computer since about March, you know it's gardening season and that's my life it seems. My garden is getting to the size where it impatiently tells me what it wants and not the other way around! My co-worker asked me how many containers I have and I couldn't answer her.I counted tonight and it's 370 containers already growing and se
November 28, 2011
It's been a really long time since my last blog post so I think it's long overdue and I figured it was time to say something. Welcome to all the new people who have joined through the $1 promotion.  I joined WA over 18 months ago, and never once have I doubted the decision. Although I have not made the best use of the tools each day for a number of different reasons-not the least of which is that I'm a gardener and it's very hard for me to sit behind the computer on a warm sunny day when th
 Hello all WA friends! I really like the idea that the people from Ottawa and London, Ontario (in the forum) had about forming a group in their local area. I think it's a great way to add another piece to the success puzzle and all of us could benefit greatly by the real-life team effort and support. Is there anyone on this end of the country in this area (or nearby) that would like to meet up in person and form a group to meet offline with the purpose of helping each other and boosting all
March 03, 2011
 I just wanted to send out a big thank you to all the buddies and people that have been helping me directly and indirectly. All of you have made so many things make tons more sense!  Good Luck to Everyone  To the new people that have just joined, try not to be scared off by the tidal wave of information and tools that WA gives you. Take your time to sort it out, each day that you do it and don't give up-it'll make a little more sense.  I've been a member here for a year, and
January 19, 2011
Wow...I sure love it when the light bulbs start to go on!! I'm so glad I joined WA!