All I WAS Seeing was what I Had NOT Done!!!

Last Update: January 27, 2012

Several of You Suggested I appreciate what I have done, so here goes:

*Chose my passions (teaching Dragon NaturallySpeaking, iMindMap, Cockatiels) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

*Purchased my Domain from GoDaddy

*Set up the Hosting Service

*Installed a WordPress Express site

*Activated some Plug-Ins

*Setup All-in-One SEO

*Learned Something Called “Keywords” Exists and are Important

*Setup SteppingStonesTo’s Space Info

*SteppingStonesTo’s - Blogged

*Learned to Bookmark

*Learned about setting Tasks and Goal… Set a Bunch

*Went to Forum and Introduced myself

*Learned about WA Gold… Gave it to folks that contributed to my day.   Wished (out loud) I had more; received more; gave it to more folks.

*Learned about Private Messages… Did some…

*Looked up RSS to see what that means…

*Read other People’s Spaces and Blogs

*Signed up with ClickBank, Aviary, SnagIt,

*Attended 2 Live WAbinars

*Went through the WA Quick Start and other WAbinars on the Internet

*Went through Affiliate Marketing Action Plan

*Explored WA website, tab by tab, and line item by line item.

*Organized Bookmarks so I could remember Why I marked the page.

*Searched High and Low with the help of WA members to fine a WordPress Template I liked better. Found It!  Working on Implementing It!!!

… and a million other things… Thanks for the encouragement to make this list…

All I WAS Seeing was what I Had Not Done Yet!!!    


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Sunrae Premium
My goodness, that's amazing. Keep it moving, because you are certainly heading in the right direction.
Stacydee Premium
Congratulations, that's a heckuva list!
Deezdz Premium
That's a long list of accomplishments Sherry!
Dell Premium
Great Sherry, keep it going. I am now trying to put all possible time in to move ahead with what ought to be done.