Wow! What a Rush...

Last Update: February 14, 2012

I really can't believe how much of a thrill I got off of the experience of getting my first article published at Street Articles.  Maybe it is because I have experienced such fear about expressing myself. 

I love teaching Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I am starting to learn that there is no end to the number of subjects I think people would be excited to hear about voice-to-text power. 

Thanks for your support, especially Ezinewriter and Moonshadow for the writing advice.


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kyle Premium Plus
Congrats! An accomplishment to be proud of! To many more....
Renni Premium
It's been a while since my first article and I do remember the feeling - it truly is a rush to be published. Congratulations! Are you taking the 30 Articles in 30 Days challenge?
Labman_1 Premium
Now that you are over the hump it gets easier. Congrats.
jatdebeaune Premium
Anders2565 Premium
Congratulations, the first one is always the hard one. The rest of them will become easier the more you write.