Help Marketing My MLM site

Last Update: June 06, 2012
Hello everyone I was hoping to get some help marketing my MLM websites so I could make a little money with them on the online but I have done everything wrong and was hoping that someone could help me. All I want is a few online orders a month to keep the business going when I have other projects to work on. Here are the links

I tried getting a .com for the but then I learned, after buying a .com for each with the name I wanted, that it was not legal to use the brand name so if that is something I need to do now I need to think of another name and I am not sure how to go about thinking of a name that will get me sales. I am so confused I could really use some step by step guidelines before I spend any more money on things that won't help me.

One is for health and diet products and the other is for wickless candles. I like the products and use them myself. I don't love having to have a party schedule as I have a side job that I LOVE but it is more of an on call thing and I hate to pass it up because I enjoy it so much and it gets my foot in the door to a great place to maybe work as a regular part time job and use the event planning skills I used in college.

So I don't know if it is possible to find a good way to marked these products online but if there is I could use some help. I am a newbie to all of this and would like to make a good side income online getting rich would be nice but I am really only need an extra few hundred dollars a month.

I truly appreciate any help I can get thanks!
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taradm Premium
For the candles - I have a toddler, and I wouldn't think mothers would be a good market. Imagine the mess if one got knocked over, lol! I used to LOVE scented candles!! ... Before I had my son, lol!

So maybe women who don't have kids? Like maybe a gift for a daughter going to college, or single professionals? I've also noticed that older women tend to have an affinity for potpourri, lol! Maybe they'd like a stronger scent, and would like the idea of not having to worry about an open flame. Idk, just throwin a couple ideas out there. Feedback usu helps me when I'm stuck.
sundcarrie Premium
Thanks I can work with that. I am rethinking a lot right now and with a lot of my time spent at the dance studio I was thinking of investing in a Personal Training Certificate to pair with my Herbalife sales but I need a plan first. Then I could find a niche in the health and wellness and fitness market but it is just a though in its baby stages. I am not so much afraid of making mistakes but I need to learn why things are mistakes and how to fix them and I don't seem to be doing that very well.
taradm Premium
Not a bad idea (personal training). Don't worry about the mistakes too much. I'm not too far along myself, so I understand how unnerving it can be when you're just starting. Everything can be edited - I do it almost daily, lol!