Regular job wish me luck!

Last Update: August 16, 2012
Okay I had an interview for a job that I am hoping to get because my husband really wants me to work. So IM will have to be a spare time thing if I get this job. I will have two days off every week and I will have time at night to work on it. I will still be able to make a few workout classes a week too so it is not the end of the world. At least it is a job I think I will enjoy with a good flat rate of pay plus commissions.

I will know one way or another by Friday August 17th so I don't have to wait a very long time. I am not giving up on IM but I am going to keep looking for work since the job I thought I had fell I decided not to take it because before I started working the business partners got in a huge argument and were sending me emails about each other and having me pass along messages. I don't think I want to work in an environment like that for minimum wage.

Do I want to do this now but it looks like it will reduce the stress in my home to get a job and work a little every week on improving my IM sites. It may take longer to get it where I want it but I have not been able to work on it with all the stress I am feeling at home right now anyway I am constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack.

I did stand up for myself though and I let my hubby know that if I do go back to work thing things will change around here. I will not do everything and if I get complaints about how I still make less money than he does or I spend too much money (even though it is about an eight of what he spends) then I am quitting and I am never getting what he calls a real job again. So he has been warned that if I come home to a stressful home life after a long day at work I am done working outside the home. I can handle stress at work I can not handle it in my home unless it is work related.

I think that was my issue all along with getting another out of the home job, Once I started really thinking about why I was so against getting a punch a clock job I realized it was because when I get home from work things have not changed here. I still have to run every aspect of this house hold including finances and my hubby just picks up mowing the lawn and if I am really lucky he will unload the dishwasher and do a few loads of laundry. He has never once in 15 years of marriage written a check for a bill but if I forget to pay one on time he can get mad at me. That is the issue so we are going to have a sit down talk this weekend and depending on what job I get and how many hours I put in we are going to split the household chores accordingly and he is going to learn about the finances and participate. If a bill comes in he can write a check just as well as I can or at the very least he can bear some responsibility for reminding me to pay a bill.

Sorry it is just another rant on my part but I think a lot of people probably start this IM thing as a side job and I am sure I can handle it as a side job. Actually I am sure I could handle working 40 hours a week at a regular job and 20 hours at home as long as I get some of my favorite workouts in and have a stress free home to live in......well at least a mostly stress free home to live in.
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Renni Premium
Good Luck and hang in there. I know what it's like to live with someone who doesn't 'get it' but at least I am not expected to run the whole house in addition to working and pulling hours in IM. I do a lot but it's not as stressful as your predicament. All the best, Sundcarrie, I hope you stay in touch with us.
BIS Premium
I hope that you get the job and you home life becomes a little more stress free. You will fit in the IM because I know you're so fired up about it and therefore you will make it work. Best of luck

paci Premium
Good Luck! and don`t you dare to even think about to quit your IM journey.
Quitters never win and winners never quit! "Ted Turner"
sundcarrie Premium
I am not going to quit I am just going to learn to do as a second job once I get settled into a new job.