Today is a new day and I am not going to give up!

Last Update: July 18, 2012
Today I want to say thank you to everyone who responded to my post yesterday. I had a bit of a melt down and it was not my brightest moment. I do love my husband and I even see his point when he presents it in a tactful manner and not with an attitude that makes me feel like crap. He seems to be happy that I have a job interview next week.

I have 6 days to work my butt off on the all the helpful tips and tricks I received yesterday. I have decided to stop wasting my time with some of the other things I was doing that were very low pay and extremely time consuming. There are a few paid to...sites that I find worth it as they pay better rates for the time put in but considering they pay better they have less of what they offer. It should take me about a half or less each morning to check these sites instead of the 2 or more hours a day I was putting in for just a few dollars. Considering that most of that money was coming from the 4 or so sites that I am going to use I really should have done this before.

I don't know what was possessing me to keep working for pennies but after reviewing what I was doing each day I could see my the point my hubby was making....well at least part of it. I could be doing something else, just about anything else and making more. I would say I was not going to waste anymore time with them and then go back to doing them because they were easy. So from now on I am going to set a timer and only work on the decent sites and when I am done with that I will be working the rest of my work day on the things I learned at WA.

I have a lot to learn but it would be great if I could learn to make my living at home even if I do have to get something part time until get this. I think that part of the job I am interviewing for can be done at home as it is commission based, internet work so wish me luck or say a prayer. If it is the place I think it is it would be the perfect fit because I would not have a lot of actual office hours.
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sundcarrie Premium
Well I have an ad on a major pole site that should start soon it was free for a year with my reasonably priced 6 month membership. I get access to the latest news and a ton of event and promotional resources I can use for my site! I also posted another blog post and worked on adding a link builder thing for my links and..... well I had a really productive day today! Thanks so much for all the encouragement and tips. Here is to hoping this gives me a little boost in the right direction. Now to clean up a little before the hubby gets home and call it a day!
If you are havimg trouble with comversion this is not unusual, you need to build a web of articles and sites llinked to each other and with original optimised information. If you fimd it difficult look at the top sites on your topic/niche. The pace of building and change required to make money is that of the 30 day courses here. These are designed to get th first sales in th 30 days if you are getting it right.

It may take longer or less due to luck and timing of your start etc. However if you just keep going at that rate eventually it will start to go exponential.
Hang in there! I've had a site out there since mid March and have yet to make a sale, but I think it just takes time to build content and a following before things get moving. I work a full time job. I leave at 5:30am and generally don't get home before 7:00pm, but I keep plugging away small bits at a time. "Build it and they will come!" :-)
sparkle1973 Premium
Hang on in there!
sundcarrie Premium
Shawn Martin Premium
rooting for ya!
sundcarrie Premium