Posts by The Dressage Husband 20
I have been using Squidoo as an article site and had not really considered it as a place to monetize, however I have been pleasantly surprised by some of my results.There are a lot of good reasons for using Squidoo:- It is free! The Squid points and quest system, which takes you along for the ride and teaches you good IM practices. SquidU their forum system offers a lot of great tips and help if you get stuck. They only tolerate legitimate tactics, spammers and scams get banned. They a
I was invited to this video on Commission Cash Code by a member of the League of Power - Freedom by Friday.They claim huge returns upto $10,000 per day using CCC and it has a one time only fee of $43 to enter for life 60 day money back guarantee. Conditions - do not tell and donate 5% of earnings above $10,000 per month to charity.Seems like an obvious scam to me, but just in case it is real has anyone here tried it and had any success?Thanks in advance.Steve
I have just completed a new lens on Work place bullying you can find it at you like it and refer anyone you think it may help! Thanks.Steve
June 04, 2012
Well it seems that the store is now falling apart at the seams! The General Manager quit the same day she fired me. Apparently someone had complained about her socialising every thursday with some of her "buddies". The store had failed an audit and she thought I was the one that reported her, but I was not.They have been unable to recruit a new third hand, I was the 4th in under two years and the longest serving. It seems that the existing staff do not want to be next for the chop, and word on t
I have just been given a summary dismissal from my job at Staples for inappropriate sexual contact. The facts of the matter are that about a year ago on of the junior female employees got irritated and kicked me because I was entering security codes in her till and checking what she had done. She was wanting to get on with the next customer. I retaliated (wrong I know and hit her back), my mistake was failing to complain first. The next possible incident was when my boss (female) had fallen
Just for the Horse lovers amongst you right now Jane Savoie has made her best ever offer on her Happy Horse Course just in time for Christmas. The course is available here of course that is my affiliate link, but you will be getting the course and bonuses worth a whopping $7,500 all for under $1,000, this is by invitation only so sign up now if you are interested. The offer will be made after you sign up for a series of 3 free videos via the link abov
This story was sent to my wife as a chain E mail, but for once it was so good and inspiring I thought I would post it to give all of you who are ever feeling a little down in the dumps some Faith. His determination shows us all the way we should go too! If everyone tried as hard as him we would all be millionaires like Kyle and Carson, period!   This dog was born in Dec 2002. He was born with 2 legs He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him. His fi
Wow! I have just had my 15th article accepted at Street Articles and have achieved the Expert Status Award! I entered the 30 in 30 Days challenge to achieve just this, but thought it was impossible.  For some reason whenever I save an article from this computer it inserts a load of extraneous code and I was being rejected every time for improper paragraphs. Even the recommended fix of using Notebook was to no avail as the code was still added at the end! Finally I used my netbook and it va
I am reproducing an article that I found this morning that is very relevant to the comments I made in my last blog post here and that will help a lot of people here and elsewhere in Internet marketing understand what it is exactly that Google and others are trying to stop. The others include StreetArticles and WA! InformIT: Google Gets Tough on Black-Hat SEO What of Content Aggregation?: Maybe just maybe if we all understand this and teach the newbies correctly we can hel
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I have been reading rather a lot of posts on here recently about the so called tightening of the rules by Google, Squidoo, Ezine, Scribd etc. However have they really tightened or is it just that we have been guilty of being sloppy? Google never did like direct link advertising sites. These target keywords and steal the traffic from under the noses of the hardworking people who have built real authority sites! What is it that people are missing? I think we are all guilty of not reading and und
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