Lost My Job and Feeling Depressed

Last Update: April 24, 2012

I have just been given a summary dismissal from my job at Staples for inappropriate sexual contact. The facts of the matter are that about a year ago on of the junior female employees got irritated and kicked me because I was entering security codes in her till and checking what she had done. She was wanting to get on with the next customer. I retaliated (wrong I know and hit her back), my mistake was failing to complain first.

The next possible incident was when my boss (female) had fallen off the ladder and hurt herself, she was walking around in a daze and very depressed. I made the mistake of being sympathetic and putting my arm around her shoulders and giving a few encouraging words. I only realized this was a mistake a couple of weeks later when she asked me to her office and gave me a final warning for inappropriate contact, one more incident and I would be fired without warning.

Well today it happened. In all of this I was never given an opportunity to defend myself or explain my actions! I find this strange, as I am not sure that my assumptions are correct, but these are the only incidents that I think may explain her actions.

I should explain that I am nearly 60 and happily married, we have no children, but not due to lack of trying, just some rather nasty miss-carriages. 

I was thinking this over and the only explanation that occurs to me is that my boss is jealous and feeling threatened by me. I am a graduate in Computer Science and Mathematics and a former Computer Audit Manager. I started work at Staples as a technical sales rep. and quickly became the third key, just two positions below the General Manager. I was definitely the best qualified member of staff they had. The likely explanation is that she wanted to remove the possibility of me taking her job as a result of some recent poor audit results, the other possibility and I have actually seen this done before, is that Staples hire staff at ground floor and possibly try to make them leave due to stress etc. The reason being that these staff have no or little statutory rights and costs can be minimized by turning over staff before rights accumulate. In this case all of my benefits were cut off.

This type of action is perfectly possible where dismissal is summary and the employee does not have a right to review the file and even have knowledge of the complainant. Of course things have gone too far because bullying bosses can now easily dismiss anyone they like and they have no legal recourse unless they are mega rich, and what minimum wage employee is?

I am hoping that something good will come of all this. I just checked my Amazon  account and I have made 4 small sales this month. If I can only increase that 1,000 times! I could really do with some encouragement and maybe some mentoring from one of the bigger players here.

I am sure that I am not alone in suffering this type of treatment and would love to hear from any of you that have been through similar experiences. As a late in life immigrant to Canada I am feeling like the victim of prejudice and unable to defend myself due to a lack of friends and social networks here. This tends to make one feel suicidal and unable to take the necessary action to make lemonade from the lemons. Any helpful advice would be much appreciated.

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PCRoger Premium
I'm very sorry to hear that. If I were you I would seek an honest attorney (I know, just not an ambulance chaser) who might work for percentage of money received - if any - from Staples.
Found one through a good friend but it appears Canadian Law does not give tou ant tenure rights. Only one province does Nova Scotia but you have to have worked the same job for 10 years to get any real protection. A campaign for human rights in Canada is overdue!?
klrrider Premium
Sorry to hear your situation... sounds like the work environment was a negative one and a minus in your life. I know what I would do if I lost my JOB... draw my unemployment (don't know if you have that) and spend the time I used to work at my JOB on IMing plus the 20 or so hours a week I already spend. Hopefully my eyes wouldn't fall out of my head! Of course I would look for work (occasionally ;-) ...). With your tech skills and work ethic things will work out for you. Hang in there and stay active here.
Thank you so much please follow me and or become friends. I will be doing much more to increase my IM efforts and running our stable - Check us out at wqww.pinegrovestable.com The site needs updating and this willl now get done!
Marad Premium
That is awful! if is it in the UK I would recommend to sue them and go to Employment tribunal. Unfortunately I do not know how these things work in Canada. I also saw here in Asda (Walmart) that they sacked managers who were decades in company. I did not get it as people like that are very loyal and obviously know how the company work etc. The reason was to save money as new managers are cheaper. But do they know the same? No one cares.
In your situation just be nice to yourself and reserve this evening for feeling sorry for yourself. Pack all related to Staples away - make end of this era. I would also prepare new notepad and a pen - to make it ready for morning as in the morning your new life without Staples starting! And it is exciting, isn't it? So yes - you have time to be bitter and sorry for yourself till midnight, than please try to welcome your new life full of opportunities. ;o) And you never know: maybe tomorrow you will get the right idea which will bring you 1000s of little sales ;o).
I wouldn't be here if not kicked out from my previous job - so you are not alone ;o).
THank you for the kind thoughts, the situation is complex and the advice from all helpful. I have somne sites up and running and will definitely be increasing my promotons here.

One thing In am thinking of doing is writing a new book on sound business practices, covering the "Walmart attitude" and why it doews not work from a human point of view, and selling it either on Clickbank and or Amazon (if they will take it). Not sure about the pricre point, but of course it will provide help and some ideas for victims as well as sound management practices and the reasons why they should be adopted. What do you think?
kyle Premium Plus
I would say that if everything in life was easy, we would all have it mastered. In reality we all face tough times throughout the year, tough decisions, and have to overcome all types of adversity to achieve our goals. This is one of those situations for you and instead of becoming worse because of the situation, you need to find a way how this can make you better, stronger and a learning experience that you can grow from.

Bright days are ahead, you just need to learn how to look for the sun and not the black clouds. Everything is perspective and your outlook is paramount to personal and emotional success going forward.
urn357 Premium
I am sorry to hear all this terrible news that is happening in your life and I think a lot of people can relate that we all get sh*t on sometimes or at one point or another. I have very simple advice that I actually tell myself all the time. "get up and keep pushing on". What else can you do? And this same advice stands in IM. Don't give up and keep trying. Eventually it has to work. When it comes to me, I won't accept failure when I don't have to. So, that is one good thing about IM. If you quit, it isn't because someone made you or you had no control (like with your job situation). It was all because you decided to. I don't accept that so if you truly want to succeed you won't accept that either.