12 Self-Motivational Ideas For Today's Times

Last Update: August 22, 2010

1) Turn off the news and read an uplifting book.
2) Think a positive saying in the morning and at night.
3) Hum your favorite song.
4) Breathe the warm spring air.
5) Treat yourself to a personal gift.
6) Exercise!
7) Smile and laugh often
8) Confide in a friend.
9) Compliment yourself on the small stuff.
10) Give of your time and your knowledge.
11) Post a "can-do" saying on your PC.
12) Take action! Get out and get involved.

Yours In Knowledge And Success,

Phyllis Jordan

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timeandmoney Premium
Hi Prinker: Thanks for adding me as a buddy and taking the time to read and comment on my "12 self-motivational ideas" blog post. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to connecting with you and getting to know you better! ~ Phyllis
prinker Premium
Hello! I'm a newbie here at WA and I've been reading some of your posts; I really like them; they are inspiring. Thanks!
Louise M. Premium
Niiice! That's pretty much me, but I know I can improve the exercice thing. lol ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
You forgot one Phyllis. Bake a big fluffy coconut cake and invite some friends over. May not get you to your goal, but it's good therapy and your friends love you for it.
moonvine Premium
Great list!