Building Your Affiliate Business While Holding a Full-Time Job

Last Update: November 05, 2010

Some people wonder if it’s really possible to build a business and still have a J-O-B. Even in affiliate marketing, this is a valid question.

While affiliate marketing is often touted as being a business in which you can work two or three hours a day and make a good living, it does take some time to get to that point.

But keeping your job while you build your business, especially an affiliate marketing business is a good idea for more than one reason.

Building Out

First, if you don’t have money coming in, you might be reluctant to spend money on the necessities of the business. You’ll need a computer, web hosting, an email autoresponder, keyword tools, and money for paid search advertising. If you keep your job while you’re starting your business, you’ll be able to buy the necessities that will help you build your business faster. Trust me, you’ll find that you’ll use these things daily.

If you don’t have time to do all the writing or web-building work you need to do, your job will provide you with the funds to contract out some of these things. Having money to contract out article writing or other tedious tasks will allow you to build your business faster, while still having some time for relaxing on the weekends.

Planning Ahead

If you’re so frustrated with your full-time job that you can’t even imagine working at it one more day, you’ll need to have done some planning. Make sure that you have enough money stashed away for at least six months’ worth of living expenses. This will help you feel comfortable that you won’t be out on the street begging, and at the same time it will give you an end date by which your business MUST be profitable. You might have to keep that job a little longer to do this, but the benefit will be that you’ll never have to go back!

Remember, affiliate marketing is a BUSINESS, and just as in every other business, things will come up that you’ll want to take advantage of. You’re not going to be able to build your million-dollar empire overnight — no one does! Even if you quit your job and work full time at your affiliate business, there are no guarantees. It takes time to find the niche that will be your big moneymaker. After that, though, you can reconsider the job thing.

Be Organized

That being said, having some solid goals when working a business part time is a necessity. The time you have for your business after working an eight-hour day is precious, and every minute counts.

Therefore, you need to be very organized. You’ll need a large list of goals for what you want to accomplish and when. Then, make a list every day of what you need to accomplish the next day.

It’s very easy to sit down at the computer and start reading emails, get-rich-quick sales letters, analyzing the next steps, etc. Before you know it, you’ve spent two hours at the computer, and have nothing to show for it!

Make sure EVERY time you sit down at your computer to build your business; you’re doing just that, and nothing else. If you do this, your business will grow, and soon you’ll grow out of that full-time job.

In closing, here's a quote that you might find inspiring:

           "Do what you love, and the money will follow." - Marsha Sinetar

To Your Success!
Phyllis Jordan

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timeandmoney Premium
Hi Joan, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I'm so happy that you enjoyed the post. It definitely takes lots of will power to stay focused and use the time that we have to get things done.
jatdebeaune Premium
I've often wondered how people pull off holding down a job and doing this too. I have other work that must be done, not a job, actually it's my joy: art and design commissions. Still feel very challenged time wise. I got into IM to support my own artistic ventures. IM has taken on a life of its own. Don't need to tell anyone here how demanding it is. But as you say, it's a business, after all. Good post Thanks.