A Gift For My Wealthy Affiliate Sisters

Last Update: August 08, 2010

Someone shared this beautiful gift with me and I want to share it with all of the beautiful women in our WA community.  Enjoy!

Women are a beautiful and integral part of our lives. They are strong, courageous, caring, sensual, loving and hold a special place in our hearts.

Yet even though they impress us with who they are, there is still one flaw that all women have.

Today, I invite you to gift yourself and the women in your life a few moments to feel inspired and uplifted.

I'm very happy to share a new inspirational movie called "The One Flaw in Women".

It was produced as a tribute to women around the world and is brought to you with the hope that it might brighten your day and do the same for the important women in your life.

So sit back, turn up your speakers and ENJOY! Just click this link to watch the movie now: ------>> The One Flaw in Women

This movie is a gift and is intended to be shared as such. Please "Pass It On" by sharing this powerful experience with the most important women in your life.

Invite them to go to: http://TheOneFlawInWomen.com

Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts. I'd love to know if you enjoyed this as much as I did.

Yours In True Knowledge And Empowerment,
Phyllis Jordan

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timeandmoney Premium
Thanks for the beautiful comments. Much appreciated.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Phyllis. True about just about every woman I know. A heroic lot we are. I've watched my mom and sisters perform all manner of miraculous deeds and never boast once about themselves or anything they've done. If you need a friend, it will probably be a woman. I have great respect for our gender.
NEA03 Premium
Thanks for sharing this Phyllis. The video is beautiful and oh so true! -Irma