Boosting Your Sales With Video Marketing

Last Update: November 14, 2010

Most savvy Internet marketers didn't need YouTube or
the cover of Time magazine to tell them video is the
next big thing. Most web marketers were already using
and benefiting from online videos long before Time and
other pundits declared video and self generated content
to be having a profound impact on our daily lives.

Many online marketers have been using videos for years to
promote and sell their products. Mainly because the use of
video as a marketing tool is cost-effective and a very simple
way to market. It is one marketing trend no online marketer
can ignore. It is already playing a major role in online
marketing and will play an even greater role in the future.

More and more well-known Internet marketers are using
videos to create buzz, to promote and sell their products.
Online marketers are exploiting the immediate connection
and effectiveness of using video in their marketing.
Videos are used to inform potential customers on different
products, services or promotions offered by the marketer.

Seasoned marketers know that  building a solid relationship
with clients is a main key to boosting sales. The use of video
is an effective, and simple way to make this connection.

Most marketers also use blogs to update and connect with
potential clients. Blogs and RSS feeds are perhaps
the more important marketing tools which actually give
videos their unlimited potential. The real power behind the
throne. Video has truly arrived in the online marketing world.

Basically, what we will see is every website on the net
becoming its own broadcasting system. Its own television
channel catering to a specific niche or a broad topic
depending on the subject matter covered by the site.
A billion channel Internet powered by RSS and video.

But what is truly revolutionary is that you don't have to be a
major player to get in this marketing game. Even the smallest
marketer can use and benefit from implementing their own

A simple video or digital camera can produce an informational
video within minutes. These can range from the so-called 'poor man'
Camtasia videos, to elaborate infomercials and commercials. You
can then upload these videos to your blog or site and distribute them
around the web within seconds. 

Many online marketers are using these videos as effective marketing tools.
No reason why you can't follow their lead and use videos to:

1. Introduce yourself or your product

2. Create buzz during a product launch

3. Build your list by offering free videos

4. Create video content to enrich your site

5. Build a more personal relationship with subscribers

6. Keep in contact with your clients

7. Create a video sales letter/pitch to sell your product or service

Nothing beats the personal and direct connection that video
or TV makes with your potential customers and follow-up
leads. It's the infomercial personalized for the web.

Your own name is still the sweetest word on the planet.
Most savvy marketers will take advantage of this
fact by branding themselves and building a genuine
relationship with their clients.

Personalized videos will help cement this relationship
and make it stronger -- all contributing to more sales for
the marketer. Obviously, video will help you reach more
customers and make it easier for you to promote and
sell your products or services.

This is one more tool every online marketer should have in
their marketing arsenal. Video is already the future of online
marketing, You should be taking full advantage of it right now.

Marketing has evolved.  Be Empowered!

To  your success,

Phyllis Jordan


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