Posts by TrevorSH 9
August 08, 2012
Hello there all of you wonderful affiliates, I was just wondering about a few things and I figured I would blog them in the form of a question. and no, I do not have a new training module to announce if that's what you were wondering. You can all sigh sighs of relief.First off, does the normal keyword tool for WA (not Jaaxy) work? I clicked on one of the "competition" pages to view the result and it was totally different from what Google said it was. (even though the "view results" page redi
August 04, 2012
Yes I know, you're all sick and tired of hearing the same thing from me, so rest assured knowing that I will announce something different as well this time! Yes it's true. I have all sorts of news today!As I'm sure you have assumed (correctly) from my intro I have made yet another training module with lots of shiny new links inside of it. Some to my own modules, others not. Still I feel like I should give you a rundown of this new module, then I will tell you my new news! My
August 01, 2012
Hello dear Affiliates! I'm sure that this is getting quite redundant, and you've heard it from me before, but I have yet another training module! I know, I know, spare me the groans and whimpers. This new module is about the free Google Keyword Tool, an alternative to spending money. You can link to it here and check it out. I hope that you find my modules helpful, effective and powerful. If you like my new one, let me know by leaving a comment and clicking that magical little like
July 31, 2012
Hey fellow Affiliates, I was thinking this morning, and decided to share my thoughts, and hopefully a little advice. I've noticed recently that not all people put the same level of dedication into their work. Some people work much harder than others, and some are recognized for it, Not everybody who works hard is appreciated though, in fact, most of you are unsung. When some people see results, others see a profound lack of them. This made me wonder: What is it that ma
July 27, 2012
My (super slow) resourcesHello there my fellow affiliates, after quite some time, and some silent deliberation, I noticed that my "my resources" page has been pretty much frozen for a week or so. Alright, allow me to shed a little light on this blog. I created two Training modules, both of them I am quite fond and proud of, if you haven't seen them you haven't lived. ;) check them out. I created the first one around midnight, and in the morning it had already breached level one and w
July 18, 2012
Hello fellow Affiliates!I thought it would be good to inform you all (if you haven't yet noticed) that I have just finished yet another training Module! My first one was about SEO through LSI keywords, and this one is also about SEO, although it deals with the finer aspects of optimization. If you have any trouble with SEO or even with gaining traffic, read my training, It'll help you immensely I'm sure. Additionally, if you dislike back links and article writing, this new module is
July 13, 2012
Hello fellow affiliates! I just created a brand spakin new training module. If you want to know how to make Google absolutely love you, and increase your traffic at the same time, Read my training and tell me what you think in the comments. It's my first and I would love some constructive criticism. I am hungry to learn so all of you experienced folks please tell me what I can do better!My new training module teaches how to maximize your Search Engine Optimization without the need for back l
July 13, 2012
Hello Wealthy Affiliates! If any of you are feeling particularly wise, I would greatly appreciate some pointers on how to make a wonderful authority site. I have a few ideas for one, but I'm not exactly sure of the best way to do it. I've already read as many training modules as I can on it, but I am still a little confused. I would like some pointers on everything ranging from how to choose a good domain name to how to organize my content. What are the ups and downs of authority sites?
Hi, I'm Trevor. I'm new to Wealthy Affiliate, but I love what I've seen so far. I love advice on anything that has to do with internet marketing, so if you're feeling rather wise and wish to share your awesomeness, go ahead and leave me a comment. I love learning hints, tips and tricks and i welcome them all, so don't hold back!