Why People Work Hard

Last Update: July 31, 2012
Hey fellow Affiliates,
I was thinking this morning, and decided to share my thoughts, and hopefully a little advice.
I've noticed recently that not all people put the same level of dedication into their work. Some people work much harder than others, and some are recognized for it, Not everybody who works hard is appreciated though, in fact, most of you are unsung. When some people see results, others see a profound lack of them.
This made me wonder: What is it that makes people work hard? after some pondering, I decided that for some it is out of an eagerness to learn and provide. An eagerness to create something and to make a name for themselves, a hopefulness to be someone. and also, in some cases, out of desperation. Sometimes people will find motivation to work not because they want to, but because they have to. What are the differences between these two? And which one is better than the other?
Luckily, and unfortunately, for me, I'm both. I find a great motivation to work hard, not only because I want to learn, and create and to do something great, but also because I currently find myself in a sticky situation that could be resolved through good old fashioned hard work. yeah, I'm determined. that much is true, but if I had the choice I would prefer to find motivation through simply a desire to work hard, than a need to work hard.
I'm no expert, and I'm most definitely still learning, but my advice to all of you, is to be the one before you be the other. I believe that if we don't find an eagerness to work and to learn simply because that's what we want to do, we will have to find an eagerness to work and learn because we'll go bankrupt if we don't. In my mind, it's better to work of my own free will, then because I'm a slave to a financial situation.
To wrap it up, go and learn. have fun with it, enjoy what you do and take pride in how you do it, before you have to. It's better to do something out of your own free will then to do the same thing because you're compelled to.
I hope that made any kind of sense to you.

I wish you all great success,
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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks Trevor, good advice!
TrevorSH Premium
Thank you Shawn!
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks Melissa!
melissafitz Premium
Thanks, I wish you great success too. In the beginning, I think I was so overwhelmed with all that had to be learned that it really stressed me and I couldn't enjoy it (learning at WA and working a FT job).

Now, though, almost a year later, I am more confident and proud of what I've accomplished. Like you said, enjoy and have fun with it and that's exactly what I'm doing. Great Post.