Help on an Authority

Last Update: July 13, 2012
Hello Wealthy Affiliates! If any of you are feeling particularly wise, I would greatly appreciate some pointers on how to make a wonderful authority site. I have a few ideas for one, but I'm not exactly sure of the best way to do it. I've already read as many training modules as I can on it, but I am still a little confused. I would like some pointers on everything ranging from how to choose a good domain name to how to organize my content. What are the ups and downs of authority sites? advantages over niche sites? I am planning on building an authority site, so I would like to know everything I can about it. Would someone please let me pick their brains?
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Shawn Martin Premium
The Wabinar is a must
TrevorSH Premium
Thank you! appreciate that! I will most definitely watch that webinar. I appreciate the help you've given me and the environment of encouragement here at WA.
Ty Johnson Premium
yeah that WAbiar is great, I just watched it the other day before I started building my authority site, as for the domain there are different schools of thought, but I say forget keyword rich domains and get something brandable, something short and make sure it's a .com or .org
BIS Premium
Hi Trevor.
I suggest you listen to Jay's Webinar on building Authority sites