My resources

Last Update: July 27, 2012
My (super slow) resources
Hello there my fellow affiliates, after quite some time, and some silent deliberation, I noticed that my "my resources" page has been pretty much frozen for a week or so.
Alright, allow me to shed a little light on this blog. I created two Training modules, both of them I am quite fond and proud of, if you haven't seen them you haven't lived. ;) check them out. I created the first one around midnight, and in the morning it had already breached level one and was well on it's way to level two. After that it never moved again. I made a second module with similar results. The stats will sometimes change, but only the comments and likes, never the views. I am quite fond of my little achievement and I would love to watch their progress in the OEP step by step, but that just isn't happening. If there is anybody wise enough or with enough brain power to solve my petty problem, I would love to learn how to "un-freeze" my "my resources" page. that would make me quite happy indeed.

I wish you all ridiculous amounts of success,

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mama2karsten Premium
Ask Apina, Kyle,TJ Books, or Carson... I have never had that problem... also post it in live chat. I will check out your training modules in a bit _Julie
TrevorSH Premium
Thanks Mama!