Local Marketing Chat Thursday @4

Last Update: May 22, 2012

We will have our first Local Marketing Chat here at WA,
Thursday May 24 @4 pm EST.

This first chat I was thinking we could discuss different ways to get local business clients.

Do you network in your local area? Do you call potential local clients or do you send out emails or direct mail??? Please join us and share your ideas.

If you are totally new to this or an expert does not matter we would love to have you join us!


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magistudio Premium Plus
Hey, where's the chat? Did I miss it?
veronica.l Premium
We will have a local marketing chat here at the WA chat this Thursday May 24 @ 4 EST, we would love to have you!
Sielke Premium
Will be there sans some crazy circumstances.
veronica.l Premium
Sounds good!