6 Ways to Make Money with Your WordPress Blog

Last Update: June 25, 2012
6 Ways to Make Money with Your Wordpress Blog

If you are a newbie and trying to figure out how to actually make money with your wordpress blog, I created this overview training: 6 ways to make money with your wordpress blog

In this tutorial I will talk about:
  • Who is your customer
  • What problem are you solving?

6 Ways to Make Money with Your Wordpress blog

1. Affiliate programs
2. Adsense ads and other add programs
3. Building a list
4. Amazon products
5. Relevant advertisers
6. Create your own product


Hope it helps :)

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Shawn Martin Premium
Nice work, thanks
Renni Premium
Hey there, Malablues....click on the phrase in blue in the second line of content above. That takes you to the whole tutorial....it's waaaay expanded....once you are on the page with others' comments, there is this post again and a NEXT button at the bottom of the post....and one page leads onto another in similar fashion....
Good Luck!
veronica.l Premium
Thanks Renni :)
Malablues Premium
Maybe you could expand on the 6 ways you have listed?
veronica.l Premium
Hi there, like Renni said click the link above and that will take you to the full training :)