My 8 Year Old is Building His First Site

Last Update: June 13, 2012
My 8 year old son had his last day of school last week, he is soo excited about summer. My son is also a big fan of Indiana Jones, so I thought why not create a project for the two of us, a project for rainy days.

So we decided to create a Indiana Jones website. I said we will split the income 50 – 50 he said mom I want a 60 – 40 split :).

Monday we got a domain, he was so excited, when we were looking at different domains he said "get it get it before it`s gone"... He also helped me set up the hosting and change the DNS settings.

Today we installed a theme and got our first two pages up, he is reviewing some of the Indiana Jones products he is playing with. He just turned 8 and had a Indiana Jones party so he has a few products to go through and review :)

We have lots of fun and he learns a bunch on the way.
Will keep you updated on the progress.
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jpnetco Premium
Very cool indeed. Can't wait to see the progress.
veronica.l Premium
Thank you, yes will keep you updated, I will post updates as we go about this project :)
BIS Premium
Absolutely love the idea - sounds really good fun. Look forward to looking at the site once you have got it up and running.

Good luck
veronica.l Premium
Thanks, yes we have a lot of fun doing it. Love how kids think, he is like put a Indie picture here, the whip here... he knows what he wants that`s for sure. Will keep you updated about the progress :)
Marad Premium
This actually great idea - as we can not only use it for our children but as a training for others and make few bucks :o). Ok, so we are going to set up one with Peppa Pig with my 5 years old lol
veronica.l Premium
Peppa pig is not a bad idea, my 3 year old loves the fresh beat band and I created a site for her :)
WriterGig Premium
Way to go, very cool!
veronica.l Premium
Thanks yes it will for sure be a good learning experience.
kyle Premium Plus
This is probably the coolest thing I have heard in awhile. I love the fact that he negotiated with you on the split. Good luck on your project...I think it is going to serve as a wonderful learning experience that will put your son beyond his years in terms of understanding.
veronica.l Premium
ha ha yes he is still "demanding" a 60 - 40 split :) I love the way he thinks, we were installing the theme and he was going "I want a whip here, I want Indies hat here... " we need to hire a web designer to do all the changes he wants, there are no "cant do" in a kids mind, I love it
kyle Premium Plus
Don't ever let him lose the "no can't do" is something that we believe as a child but should continue believing as an adult. Somehow it is lost along the way for many...