Local Marketing Group

Last Update: May 17, 2012

Are you doing local marketing?

I am just getting serious about local marketing. I feel like I have been doing IM for a while now and that I really have something to offer local businesses.
The last couple of weeks I have been studding up on local marketing and I am now diving into getting my first clients.

I have a goal, I have a plan...

I am looking to build a local marketing group.

I am looking for people that are working with local businesses or just starting out with local marketing, to build a group where we can exchange tips and ideas.

If you are doing local marketing send me a PM and join our group.

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slayton1s Premium
Hi Veronica. I see you joined back in 2007. Really cool. What I've been doing is working heavily on websites, but I really haven't delved much into the local marketing aspect of things. I think local marketing involves quite a bit of calling up people, marketing sessions in places you live and then other routes like using specific niches or products that are oriented towards whatever area you're focusing on. I've just mainly done niches that are applicable to everybody in the world (or most areas anyway) so far.

I've done a lot of hardcore learning (from a few great people here at WA (like Sylviane, Bruce, Richard, & Kyle in particular) and working since I joined back in February of 2011. I would be interested in joining this group of yours & taking part in it.

I know one person who can help you a lot with local marketing is Jay anyway. He talks a lot about local marketing in his WAbinars.
veronica.l Premium
How are you? Yes I have been around WA for a while :).

The strategy I am starting out with is focusing on one niche in the US, right now I am working on creating a "system" (lots of trial and error). A system that will work for me when it comes to presenting the opportunities for local businesses and to make them realize that online local marketing can help create more business. That the ROI makes sense to them.

I love what I am doing and I know I can help a lot of local business owners, I am just not a sales person... so creating a system where the service sells it self is essential for me.

I will keep you updated.
the filbert Premium
Hi Veronica, I have been testing the waters in local as well. Time is my enemy at the moment, as in, not enough of it. Would be happy to be a part of whatever you get going.
veronica.l Premium
Hi Phil,
How are you? How did your cake pop site do over Easter?
I am very excited about the local marketing strategy that I have started, trying a lot of different things out right now... I will keep you updated about our local marketing group.
the filbert Premium
ECP got lots of traffic but not much revenue...working on that now. i will be fine doing the "sales" stuff its other aspects i will have to work on,
Sielke Premium
I've spent some time marketing to local clients for my web development services, which has caused me to research our local market. I don't market to the local market much anymore but I do have a few projects lined up geared towards my community so this is something I'm going to get heavy on in the near future.
veronica.l Premium
That is great, there is a great oppertunity with local businesses that I don`t want to miss out on :) let me know when you dive in to the local marketing and we can share some ideas...