Local Marketing Group - What Do You Want From It?

Last Update: May 19, 2012

I have had a few people interested in joining our local marketing group. If you are interested to be a part of this group just leave a comment or pm me.

To start with I would like to through out to you WHY I wanted to start this group and what I would like to get out of it.


I have been doing affiliate marketing since 2007 and really feel that I have something to offer local businesses. I have learned a couple of things over the years and I see the oppertunities that are out there for local businesses that are struggeling in this tough economy. If I can help them get more customers in the door then I have accomplished something.


I got Jennifers Power3Marketing course (great course by the way) about a year ago and did a few local marketing campaigns, mostly helping family members. Well then my affiliate marketing sites took more time so I put the loal marketing project on hold.

About a month ago I started to read up on it again, and this time there is no excuses to not start helping local business owners.


So WHY do I want to start this group and what would I like to get out of it?


1.      Well more brains works better than 1 lol. I believe that exchanging tips and ideas in this specific area of IM would be very helpful.

2.      There are many aspects of local marketing and many different ways to help local businesses - websites, map listings, videos, social media... the list goes on. I am pretty decent at ranking videos for example but not an expert on social media. Would be great to have this group as a support team, we are all experts in different fields.

3.      Accountability

4.      More fun to work together


I am not sure if you can have a private ”group chat” with the WA chat, the other members might not enjoy if we take over in the general chat J. Otherwise we can always Skype or set it up in some other way.


I suggest that we start out chatting once every other week, let me know your thoughts on this, also what day of the week would work best for you? 


Some suggestion of topics that we can discuss would be;


How to get your first clients

What services to offer your clients

Billing and reports

How to get your clients to stay with you


So my question is what would you like to get out of this group? What topics would you like to discuss?

Looking forward to our first chat!

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slayton1s Premium
My dad was Branch Manager of Terminix for a while & won a trip to the Bahamas in 1998 for one of the best salesman in the U.S. or something like that, so I get a lot of my advice from him anyway. http://www.streetarticles.com/about/jwlisland/28506. It seems like you've learned quite a bit from Jennifer's local marketing guide. I saw it when she put it up, but I honestly didn't buy it due to how expensive it was.

I know my father currently owns a Bait Shop here in town (at the age of 60), so I'm working with him here & there to increase profits in the local area anyway. I live in more of a smaller town, but I know the internet still can play a good role even in a smaller type of town.

If you create like a forum through a local website or something, or whatever, I'll join & discuss things about it or something. Perhaps you could create a website that allows people to consistently ask questions between each other related to just local marketing, and perhaps use it later on to tell each other about unique local marketing tools people can use & stuff like that.

One good website I found just by typing in local marketing is --> http://localmarketingideas.com/about/. It has a lot of ideas about different things to do, but I think creating our own group, partly derived from Wealthy Affiliate, will allow us to take part in discussions, learn new things, & help each other out with tools & things anyway. I know 1 pretty successful group I use myself anyway, via Facebook, is Writer's Secret Society. You pretty much just post your content & a lot of people like or comment on it to people you rank higher in Google. https://www.facebook.com/groups/241843015886227/
veronica.l Premium
You got a gold mine in your back yard, "best salesman in the US" that is awesome take advantage of that and pick his brain :).

You say you live in a small town, to start out with it is great to network and work in the area you live, but there is nothing stopping you from expanding that into other areas as well. There is different ways to set up you local marketing business, one way is to work with different niches in your local area. Say one dentist, one plumber... but stay in your own area.

Another way and the way I am setting my biz up is to focus on one niche but venture out in different areas. So you focus on say dentists, get one dentist client in canton, one dentist client in akron...

The forum idea is great, we can start a forum thread here at WA. I am also planning to add some training related to local marekting.
Sielke Premium
This sounds good, I like the idea of groups within WA, not to be private but to tailor the content to something you want to see. I'm for a group chat, let me know the time and I'll see if I can make it. This is also a great idea that can stem into other groups as well.
veronica.l Premium
Yes I agree about the groups, it would be great to tailor the content. I thought when they first launched the chat that there where different topics or groups that you could join, I might be wrong though. I will let you know abut the time for the group chat.