What are Google Upto :)

Last Update: June 03, 2012

I just checked one of my long tail keywords. This keyword brings me good sales, does not get super much traffic but very targeted traffic. Tonight when I checked on it there was a new site on the first spot, I clicked on it and it took me to a very plain uggly blogger blog, latest post was made 2010.

I kind of recognized the blog, clicked the link and ... it took me to one of MY sites. Ha ha ha I did this blogger blog back in 2010 and totally forgot about it and now it is ranking first page first spot in Google.

The point of the story - keep putting content out there you never know when or where it will show up :)

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veronica.l Premium
Just checked another one of my keywords, on third place is a USA today article from 2004 YES 2004 how is that accurate 8 years later ha ha
kyle Premium Plus
By no means is Google perfect...that will ensure that there will continue being Panda updates as they strive for perfection!
kyle Premium Plus
This is very true. You never know when and where your content will be picked up, but if you do focus on creating quality content it will only continue to lead to more exposure, traffic and ultimately revenue opportunities. Thanks for sharing your story!
veronica.l Premium
Original quality content beats everything, funny though that a site rank that well without any new content :)
chris evs Premium
yeah, I find blogger can bring you some great results sometimes. 2 blogspots I have pull in loads of visitors every day and I have not touched them in over a year. I think it's got something to do with the fact that google owns blogger/blogspot. Nice to hear you're ranking so high with your keyword!
veronica.l Premium
Thanks, I just think it is funny how we work so hard to try and figure things out when it comes to ranking websites. What SEO methods to use, backlinks, how often to post to our blog... and here is a blog with no new content ranking really well.:)
ThomasPaul Premium
lol, that's pretty funny. Almost like washing a pair of jeans and then finding money in the pocket, when you wear them again.
veronica.l Premium
ha ha don`t you just love when that happens :)