What Are Your Goals?

Last Update: April 04, 2011


I have been putting off starting my blog for months now... but  today is the day J. What I want to do with this blog is for my own sake and for anybody interesting put down my goals, what I accomplish, my successes and failures. I also want to add some good stuff that can help people out in the affiliate marketing world.


And if you have not yet set your goals for 2011, it is not too late!

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I think we can all be a little hard on our selves but if we actually write down what we have done and accomplished that can remind us that we are on the right track, that we are one step closer to the goal we want to achive.


So this is the beginning of April and my goal for 2011 is to continue working with things I know work. I have been doing affiliate marketing for a few years now and belive me there are things that has worked for me and things that has not. It is very easy to get side tracked. So focus and do what works for you!


One thing that is working for me and making me money is niche sites. So I decided this year that will be my focus. My goal is to create 4 niche sites / month and so far I am on track. I build my site, point articles and other backlinks to the site and most of the times my niche sites rank on first page of google. So focus here is organic traffic and traffic from articles.


I will then keep the "golden nuggets" that do well and sell off the rest. That is another goal I have for this year, sell some of my niche sites. This is completely new to me, but there are some really good info right here at WA.


Finally I want to double my income from last year and I belive with the above plan that should be a reachable goal.


But best of all, I get to stay home with my kids when I do all this J! Thank you WA and WA members for making this possible for me!!


Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso

Have a productive day,


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Minakshis Premium Plus
am very excited today, yesterday I discovered a brand new niche that I have not thought about before... I see a lot of potential here, so I got a domain name yesterday and build my site today, hopefully it will rank in Google in a couple of days...
veronica.l Premium
Yes to a wonderful year! Thank you!
I am very excited today, yesterday I discovered a brand new niche that I have not thought about before... I see a lot of potential here, so I got a domain name yesterday and build my site today, hopefully it will rank in Google in a couple of days...
jatdebeaune Premium
To a wonderful year for everybody! I like the Picasso quote. Haven't heard it before.
jatdebeaune Premium
To a wonderful year for everybody! I like the Picasso quote. Haven't heard it before.