Posts by WayneBPK 22
I say that in jest (kinda), but just wanted to get the word out about the newest site we just pulled together. I will warn you its is rather raw in in your face, but its something we feel needs to be addressed on this level. Enough committee's, study groups, and straight up lobbying! know I probably am going to get flamed for this ... but I do want your opinions:)Look for quite a few articles to hit and they are going to be controversial. You can follow us on
June 21, 2012
Hi allIts been a while, and I have to say the journey we have started is pretty awesome. BND is up and running (please everyone pop in and let me know what you think). I didn't realize what I was taking on (even after Kyle warned me), but am glad now that I can look back and realize how far we have come.Once the clinic closed, all that we worried about was the transition to an e-commerce site and a call to action. Have media support, are still calling getting the word out to our patient base
It a while but I'm still around. Totally immersed myself into getting the e-commerce site up and live. It will happen tomorrow, but I have run into an issue that needs a fix. I have email hosted at Rackspace, and they frown on bulk mail. Only have one approved vendor called iContacts. Im good with this, but have roughly 1200 current clients that I need to let know whats happening (switching from a brick & mortar to an e-commerce situation). Plan on dropping a mass blast out tomorrow
April 24, 2012
Got some advice from a few people here and clarified exactly what I need to do. I have been spinning my wheels for about a week now. Training has slipped and articles need to be done. This stops now!! I cant let my focus get pulled away from whats in front. I started focusing my time completely on WA and IM and since have gotten LESS done! Have a meeting in the morning to outsource some things that I just cant do on my own, then ts hitting the ground running! Time to have some fun!!!  
April 22, 2012
Hi guys, I really need some help here. I'm stuck at day 10 on my training, and am 4 days in on my 30/30 Challenge. I understand niche marketing and do have plans to develop that fully. The trouble I'm running into is trying to transition our stuff from the clinic. We have in the area of 200 customers with a private label nutritional supplement line, and approximately 300 customers with our bio-available hormone therapy program. I desperately need to put together a site that will al
April 18, 2012
I'm having some issues with my website. I have a 2nd page that needs a blog or the ability for people to post to comment in, . and my home page, privacy page, and About me page have a spot to leave a comment. 1) How do I get rid of the comment section on the pages that don't need it? 2) How do I add it along with a mini-blog to the other page?   Some guys in chat tried helping but they have stuff that needs to be done. Can anyone direct me to a log or training or even a qu
April 15, 2012
The day started out really tight. Was at it at 5am and had a great morning. Looked at several other sites out there and realized how much better mine could be. Spent all morning working on content and hope it will be ready tomorrow. Even got an article done and posted, but then just hit a wall. No training done at all. Once I lost it I should have just gotten on to something else. Ill catch it up tomorrow. Really glad to see some others out there making strides and doing well also. I do want
April 14, 2012
Thinking I need to take a deep breath here. I'm taking notes and have an idea of what direction I want to go, but am going to do it after I finish my initial training and decided to do the 30 Day Challenge on SA. Jays case studies are awesome but they go at a different pace then the 30 Day Training so I'm getting info from there that is just now starting to come up. Heard Jay mention something yesterday about fixing all the links to the little videos and THAT would be cool. Id just foc
April 11, 2012
What a day. Realized I made a bunch of mistakes on my website, and am in the throes of fixing this, then I got 5 articles done and posted. How long does this pending thing take?!?!? But that is ok cause I need to rework the content on the website anyways.   Had a thought and posted it in the forums but only got 6 views. I am in the process of starting up an Accountability Group. Looking for 8 to 10 people who want to commit in a BIG way. If your interested just drop me a PM for more d
April 09, 2012
Got BLASTED for the holiday. Always nice to be busy but wish I could have spent more time here. I am probably going to adjust some things around and start spending less time on the water. Its fun but not going to ultimately get me where I want. Got the content for my first site all in, but man does it look awful. I'll redo day 3 and 4 and probably watch the WAbinars again today, and go back and tweak it some and hopeful have something for tonight. Still confused as to how the money actua