Posts by Yessharon 16
One of the best things about WA is that they are always trying to help us succeed. Check out the banners that Jay created today.Take a moment and add them to one of your Pinterest boards.After they are posted to your board, select edit and insert your affliate link.If your Pinterest account is already setup this entire process will only take you a few minutes.By the way, I learned how to add the affiliate link by watching Jay's Pinterest WAbinar. If you would like to learn how to install
I am having trouble writing a WA tutorial resource. The tutorial that I am writing “How to install a "Pin It" bookmarklet on the ipad. Is just about finished.The part that I am stuck on is the code that the user needs to to insert into their bookmarks to make the "Pin It' bookmarklet work always changes wording after I save the page. Below is a screenshot of the page that I am trying to save the code on.The word javascript always changes to the word removed, and the wording spreads
How many visitors have seen your web content? How many auditoriums would they fill? The articles and web pages that you create will be viewed by thousands of people. Now imagine yourself on a stage talking to these same people. Look at the audience in the picture above. The faces on this group of people show that they are eager to learn and to improve their lives.  Pretend that they are visitors to your website and write the words and create the videos that
  Twas the night before the Big Launch, when throughout the net, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The websites were created by the members with care, In hopes that St. Niche soon would be there. The writers were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of money danced in their heads. And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap. When out on the net there arose such a clatter, I sprang from
April 06, 2012
  This will be the year that I get all of my ducks in a row. For years I have made goals but have never made them public.  I am very happy that I joined WA and plan to become more active on the site.  During the day I am an awesome executive assistant for a very creative interior designer. My plan is to take the organization and computer skills that I have developed and use them for IM and to retire from my day job. Business Add  articles, pages and informa
February 15, 2012
Creating a drop down menu in the Twentyten wordpress theme is quite easy once you know where to look. When you are in the dashboard and are editing a page look for the Page Attributes section. Under the heading "Parent" there is a drop down box. Click on the drop down box and select the page that you want to be listed under in the main menu. Next look for heading "order" in the page attributes section. Fill in the box (1,2,3 etc.) this will organize your page listing or