Article Marketing, Me, and Success

Last Update: June 29, 2010

When someone asks me what I do for a living, I answer "I am a retired military person" I consider this as my living. I have been out of the job market for quite some time, and I do not see myself jumping back into the rat race anytime soon. The pension income I receive for my 20+ years of service pays the bills.

What I would really like to say to the person asking this "What do you do?" question is, "I'm an Article Marketer making big bucks by writing and promoting whatever the hell people are looking for at the present time."

Given the fact there are untold thousands of people with the same idea of writing and promoting articles for money, doesn't make my chosen path the easiest to pursue.

Hidden Secrets?

If you think or feel there is a hidden secret to Article Marketing, you are in for a big surprise>. The only secret is hard work If you are looking for a program that magically whips out articles, forget it. Sure you can get PLR articles, put them through an article spinner or article re-writer,and come up with something different, but it still requires work.

I tried the article spinner route and found that it took more time to produce a decent piece. Time..which I could have used in writing original pieces. Maybe not original, but less prone to accusations of plagiarism and 'Big Brother' penalties.

A Taste Of Success
There is no better morale or motivation booster than seeing your article appear on the internet. It's even better when you see a little money appear in one of the places you do your banking.

Once you realize you can do this, it's hard to stop the Article Writing ball from stopping. Sure, you might find your forward progress slowdown from time to time. When it does, think back to your initial feeling of accomplishment.

Accepting Success Gracefully?

You hear tales of overnight business success happening all the time. How many of the tales are true will never be known. (Not by me anyway) If you can make it happen in one night, good for you.

Success can be measured in a number of ways- More money, a large following, insufferable ego- those kind of things. The first two are OK. There's nothing wrong with liking money and having a posse.  Hopefully, you won't be bitten by the "My Stuff Don't Stink" bug. The bug swells your head and ego and every time the victim winds up as an obnoxious bore.

Success Stories Do Help

I like to read success stories. Success stories tell me people are trying and succeeding at this thing everyone refers too as 'Marketing.'

Knowing Joe from Butte ,Montana made an cool thousand dollars promoting a tea doily embroidery niche, and Susie Q. from central Florida just reached her 850th Squiddoo lense on "Teaching Baby Gators To Play Backgammon",  (people,locations, and events drawn from this writer's imagination) gives me inspiration to stick with it and work just a little harder.

Success Takes Work

In closing, nobody gets to be successful from doing nothing..not taking action...or procrastinating...

There is one final truth about this blog post.
I was guilty on all 3 counts as I wrote what you have just read.

Time to get back to work.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Wonderful blog. I identified with all of it. I also find it easier to just write new articles from scratch. After a while, you just write like you talk and it flows out of you. Really much more fun to write about what you know and love. I have a hard time with BS. I'm could sometimes sound very ignorant, but it's honestly ignorant and always what I think. I like your answer to "what do you do"?
moonvine Premium
Wow! good read! Thank you! I am venturing into article marketing after years on Squidoo. Hopefully I can combine these efforts. I will be learning from you!