OK... I'm Back ...Now What?

Last Update: July 18, 2011

I've been gone awhile. Things got a little hectic around here...but that's history. I didn't completely give up though. I worked at several different concepts in marketing and article writing, but just could not for the life of me seem to accomplish anything.

In other words .I admit it......I do need help with some of my skills when it comes to putting the meat out there for carnivores.


I've had my blog http://www.eatingtolosefat.com for awhile now , but  really just started working on it strong the past 2 weeks or so. It's rough in spots, but I'm improving on it daily.

 Wordpress confuses me sometimes...a lot.(.lol ), but it's all good. I still haven't written any articles to speak of...just outlines...

 In closing I still see there are the older crew hanging around here and a lot of new faces..(.new to me anyway )

I hope to reacquaint myself with everyone in my buds section soon...and maybe meet up with others.

I have to close this for now...

Do me a favor if you have time. Go by my Blog..Check it out..then come back and brief me.. It would be much appreciated.



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jroth728 Premium
No problem William, feel free to PM me if you need any further help on it.

Barnabus Premium
Thanks JROTH728...It's past my bedtime, so I will take care of that first thing tomorrow. I appreciate the help.Peace
jroth728 Premium
At a quick glance of your source code I don't see any keyword or description meta tags, use the All In One SEO plugin for this. I also see 0 backlinks to your website, you can contact a member here in the forum named RPGtutor that does an awesome job at backlinking and he offers many different packages. Here is a link to the WA forum about his services https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=78464
Barnabus Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back!