Awareness Strikes Mid Blog Post

Last Update: July 26, 2011

I hate it when I get to feeling this way.

What way am I talking about?

Getting a blog up and running, feeding it, tweaking the thing, start writing articles to get visitors to it ...and then for no apparent reason...wake up one morning...look at it and say "I don't like this blog of mine.I want to start over from the beginning."

Is this feeling of destructiveness or just the desire of getting something just right.?

Could this desire to destroy my work be coming from a hidden mechanism deep inside (gut instinct) telling me "This niche isn't your cup of tea. It's too broad. You need to focus more on a smaller niche."

You know, since I started typing this blog post a certain revelation came to me.

I answered my own question and just now refocused on what I have to do to make my blog feel right.

It helps to talk about these things.






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nitagurl Premium
I completely understand. When I was first building my website (now i'm working on my blog) I took one good look at it - couldn't stand what I saw - and pressed the delete button. But, what can I say...when you know, you know :)
Amazing how just talking can help you see better or in this case writing! Good on you!
Labman_1 Premium
Isn't it wonderful how you can work through stuff on this forum. Next time wait for the responses before you have a revelation. ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
That was funny Barnabus. I felt like a voyeur for some reason.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Glad we could be of service. Let us know when you an ear again.