Attention New Arrivals-Don't Go So Fast

Last Update: July 11, 2010

First of all, kill the term 'Newbie.' You are not a newbie. You are a person. You came to WA looking for answers. Your questions could be in regard to learning new skills, improving on learned skills, or just being part of something being worthwhile your time and money.

For whatever reason, Welcome to

It's All About Personality

I'm lazy, I procrastinate and I never get a lot of projects off the ground. I pick a niche then lose interest in it real quick. It's not the fault of anyone here. It's a talent of mine.

I read, I study and I even post to forums every now and then. Sometimes I even follow the suggestions of a few people, and actually take action on whatever it is they suggested.

Do I make money?
No. Not much.Just eough to realize anything is possible.

Could I make More Money ?
Yes. I could, if I applied myself, weren't so lazy and could stick to a given schedule.

When first arriving on WA, I zoomed through the guides, followed the plans of everything that seemed worth following. You know what happened? I turned into one of Walt Disney's antimated characters 'Dory' of 'Finding Nemo' fame. Dory had an attention span of a grape. She couldn't focus on anything for more than a minute. Still, she still managed to become a heroine. See the movie.

One of the things I find funny here at WA is the quotation "WA isn't for everybody." Well...duh.Neither is rocket science or ballet dancing.

Some people want it all, right now. It won't happen here. This is why everything is broken down into segments. Dividing  the Elephant into chunks so to speak. It's up to you to divide said pachyderm it into bite size pieces.

Now, I know this post probably didn't make a whole lot of sense to some of you. Frankly, my Dear.....Well, what Rhett Butler said to Scarlett O'hara

However, If this humble blogpost results in slowing some people down so they don't become so overwhelmed with information on 'How to" or "What to" ,and walk off into the sunset, arms waving in hysteria,  then the words served a purpose.

Marketing isn't a contest on how fast you can go.

Marketing is having the right product, at the right time, at the right price.

Work on those principles and you might do alright for yourselves.


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keninga Premium

Thanks for the post. Boy can I identify with what you have to say. It is so easy to fall into the trap of chasing every new idea instead of staying focused and completing what you are currently working on. Slow down and do one thing right and success will surely be yours.
jatdebeaune Premium
Good blog, Barnabus. I so agree. The important thing is to get some solid knowledge under your belt. You can't absorb it all at once. Increments, increments, solid increments. Brick by brick, we'll all get there.