Domain Brainstorming, Who Needs It?

Last Update: August 22, 2010

I think of a niche I have enough knowledge about, passion to keep it interesting, and a solid foundation for development of a potentially good marketing concept. 

That's the easy part. Now it's time to hook this chosen niche with a domain name.

 Finding a really good domain name can be really difficult. That's a nice way of saying what I really want to say, but I promised myself I wouldn't use

I brainstorm, come up with a dozen or so names, travel over to Go Daddy, or some other big named outfit, plug the domain names in and, Presto!! .....either the name is taken or it's a 'Prime Domain' name. I know from experience whenever the word 'PRIME' accompanies any other word in the English language, it's going to cost more than I care to pay. Sure as shootin', I find out can latch on to this puppy for a few thousand dollars. Since I really don't have that kind of money to spend, I have to pass. I say a few bad words about money grubbing, illegitimate off-springs, then go back to brainstorming.

When my head starts hurting from all the inclement weather doing damage to my remaining braincells left over from my misspent youth,  I take another approach.

I find about three or four keywords having something to do with my chosen niche, and plug them into the Google Keywords tool. ( Did the tool change recently? I can't remember) Anyway, after I compile about twenty keyword phrases, I plug them into the keyword tool again and of course, a lot more phrases come out. Some of them which are quite good. (I can't remember where I saw this shortcut, but it sure is fun to use.)

I plug these good looking domain names back into the magic domain name selector and sure as the sun might shine tomorrow, out pops the available domain names I can use for my niche.

Now the fun doesn't stop here..Uhh-uhh,.No way...You need to take these splendid choice of names and go see how many people clicked on these phrases during the last month or so. It doesn't do any good to come up with a domain name where the total of global and local searches amounted to  less than 3. This is a big indicator to you as a clue to "Hey, this might be a bad domain name.

I try to aim for those names having anywhere between 3000 to 8000 searches. At least this tells me there is some interest in the topic phrase anyway.

Now, I sometimes go after dead and dying domains, also referred to as expiring or expired domain names. Those are domains where people lost interest in what they were doing or forgot to renew the name. It takes some time to deal with them, so in my shortcut kind of way, I copy and paste a truck load of those domain names into the keywords tool and see what the results are. The same rule applies to the search numbers I used in in the previous paragraph.

It takes a little bit of time, some patience, and a bit of "Hey,I'll try this!", but you might find it a bit more fun in coming up with a domain name to match your chosen niche, instead of all that brainstorming.

However, if you feel more comfortable using the 'Brainstorming Method' and it works for you, keep doing whatcha doing. Why fix it it, right?

I tell you what. I'll experiment with this concept again this week and see what else I can come up with. I'll keep you posted. If you have time, see what you can find.

Just remember to have fun, don't spend any money (unless it's on me) and take your time.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting..

Peace, Barnabus 

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maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for the peek inside your resourceful brainstorming mind (misspent youth notwithstanding), Barnabus. Your method is cool. So, are you using another domain name selector besides the one at GoDaddy? One that gives you lots of related alternatives? Domainsbot? Wasn't sure which "magic domain name selector" you were referring to. Thanks, Barbabus!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Barnabus, Your brainstorming sounds like fun. I like that method best. I like to get a good descriptive, can't miss keyword, then play with it in a 3 word longtail, or a play on the word itself. You can think of some wild things. It's amazing how many of those combinations others have already thought of.