Is WA Worth MyTime and Money?

Last Update: October 21, 2010

Say what you want to about Wealthy Affiliate. You have those first amendment rights, you know.(At least here in the US) In my opinion WA has got just about everybody beat in the 'learning to earn' department.

 Even though I get miffed sometimes about how slow some issues get resolved, or questions might go unanswered for an undue length of time, or I get 'frustrated' with techniques I might not fully understand.

Still, WA is still about the best thing I've found on the net when it comes to learning about this thing we all know as marketing.

Your thing might be Internet marketing. If it is, think about all the money you would spend, digging out all the tools you require from the hundreds or possibly thousands of the 'next big thing'.

 Look at all the wasted time you could spend (and time = Money) investigating all the latest secrets the GURUS don't want you to know about. Secrets, my big ol' butt. If it was a secret how in the world did it wind up being sold for such a paltry sum of cash. (If I had a secret I would sell it for a whole lot of dinero. Enough to keep me in lottery tickets for the next year or so.) Even with the free stuff ( and I will be the first to admit, some of it is pretty good) there is still a learning curve. Sometimes it's limited to bare bones teaching and if you want more, you're going to have to pay for the meat, and the price of meat can get pretty high.

The same concepts apply when it comes to Article Marketing. There are more than several places you can go to learn  how to become omniscient. That's the promise anyway.  Even if  you don't know shit from shoe polish, with the right amount of  your hard earned money, you will learn how to write articles which will get you top rankings on the almighty "You Know Who." (I dare not say the name) Of course, if it don't happen it's not the fault of the instruction. You know that.

I like WA. I like the community, and all the people within the community. (well, almost) I see WA as a "one stop shopping store" I can get everything I need right here. Teachers, critics, mentors, comedians, ideas, SEO help, IM help, and the list goes on. Did I mention encouragement and motivational behavioral therapy?

Makes things less complicated all the way around.

And I like that.

So,Yes, I can say WA is worth my time and money.

(I certify I did not receive any compensation in money, favors, lottery tickets, refreshment, or illegal substances for the above posting from anybody you know, and if I did, I wouldn't say so anyway)

Peace, Barnabus

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Khairul Anwar Premium
if I had a three thumbs then I would say "Three thumbs up!!" Surely everything we need is here. and WA is my best investment ever. :)
famousplumber Premium
Delightful post. I love your "tongue-in-cheek" humor!
Jamie Smith Premium
Joining the WA family is by far one of the best choices I have made during my successful career.
WRI Premium
Great post, I really liked the way you blended your main points with a slight bit of humor, it made this post fun to read.
jatdebeaune Premium
And it keeps getting better, Barnabus. I really like the "clubs" idea. Looking forward to the Article Marketing and PPC clubs to be offered again. Tempted to join the WA article marketing club, but I'm not promoting WA yet. Maybe I should, but my hands are already full.