Keeping Up With the Pack

Last Update: October 28, 2010

I like my club. I really do. Kyle and Carson do a really good job of assigning tasks, leads you through each task step-by-step,and explains the why,what and wherefore, before moving on to the next part of the program.

In a perfect world there would be no lagging behind. I would be part of the pack and happy,happy,joy,joy, would reign supreme. However, this is not the case.  Sometimes I fall behind a little...OK ..More than a little. (Sort of like one of those wee beasties you see on Animal Planet with a million lions at the ready to tag his ass.)

You know what's really cool about this whole club thing. Getting support is not a problem. I can find the answers to any questions I might have, before I can figure out how to phrase the question. Between the forums, videos, tutorials, and helper-elves (uhh, I mean people) the solution appears as if by magic. Sort of like "Been there, done that, try this" but said in a nice way.

Sure, I'm behind. I expected it.

 Am I worried? Not a bit.

I'll keep on going, slow but sure, so I won't have to go back and do the whole thing over. You see, unlike the "Circle of Life", "Hakuna Matata" description in the previous paragraph, group support from WA members collectively appears to be the norm of things around here.

It's a good thing.

Peace......, Barnabus

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Barnabus Premium
Hi Fallulah...I look at all the progress others make and say
" wow" I then take a look at what I've done and say "Gee" The good part about this is I don't have to say "insert bad word" and go back and recheck my work to see where I messed up. ;) Peace
Fallulah Premium
Hey Barnabus, no kidding I'm a little on the behind side of things in my club too, just a little. My working week starts tomorrow as well so ... still slow and steady seems to be getting me where I want to be headed right now and I too am very happy with progress despite the occasional wistful glance towards that elusive perfect world :)
Barnabus Premium
Hi There Jatdebeaune, Lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Thanks for the nice compliment. I wish I could make it to the webinar tonight, unfortunately, for four hours a day during the same time frame as Jay's webinar I have to work at another place. Enjoy.
jatdebeaune Premium
I just saw that I wrote "ate Jay's Webinar". Hah! I was thinking about the beasties and the lions. I'm very impressionable.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Barnabus, steady wins the race, although thank God it's no race! Hope to see you tonight ate Jay's Webinar. I can't wait! Very nice blog. I liked it.