Posts by Barnabus 23
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September 06, 2011
Last night my trusty workhorse of a pc died during my sleep. After careful inspection this morning, I discovered the motherboard had massive injuries and the power supply holding a smoking gun. My hard drive wasn't damaged (checked it already) so at least my photos,e-books, and my content wasn't damage.  I'm using one of my back up PC's to write this post.  There is some good to come out of this. 1-I get a new computer 2- I get to do some office space changes 3-I get to re-evaluate m
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I watched an old movie last night, one of my all time favorites, titled “The Mountain Men”. Charlton Heston played the role of Bill Tyler and Brian Keith was his partner Henry Frapp. The plot surrounds an era when the beaver fur trade was being replaced by the silk trade and western expansion was really taking hold in the U.S. Trappers and mountain men were struggling to survive the changes. Bill Tyler and Henry Frapp were two of these mountain men. Bill Tyler was convinced that beaver pelt
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I think the idea of using Adsense is still an easy way of making a little bit of passive income. You set up a website or blog, open an adsense account, place  the ads in a strategic but out of the way space, people see the ad, click on the ad and goes into your adsense savings bank. At least that's the way it's supposed to work. I know it works, because I've seen it work. People wouldn't be selling e-books, courses, and the other stuff on 'How to Make a  place amount here
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I need a straight answer from anyone who is a promoter of STF. Now I went to the forums, but the million dollar blueprint forum felt like a ghost town. ( I swear there was whistlin' noises coming from the sidebar) I know there have been some problems with STF (dead links, redirects, 404's,etc.)Now, when I look at Clickbank I also see the STF program has lost a lot of it's charm, because it no longer seems to be a cash cow it once was. I usually don't promote a product unless I am familiar wit
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I was updating my word press blog this morning, thinking about traffic and how to attract more visitors to my blog. I'm not worried about monetizing just yet and I am seriously thinking about dumping adsense from the blog so I can start sneaking some affiliate links on there. One thing that turns me off from blogs is not being to see the content from the trees, forest or whatever scenic thing I'm supposed to be seeing. (Oh yeah, and while I'm at it: If a tree falls in the forest and lands on y
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I hate it when I get to feeling this way. What way am I talking about? Getting a blog up and running, feeding it, tweaking the thing, start writing articles to get visitors to it ...and then for no apparent reason...wake up one morning...look at it and say "I don't like this blog of mine.I want to start over from the beginning." Is this feeling of destructiveness or just the desire of getting something just right.? Could this desire to destroy my work be coming from a hidden mechani
I joined Street Articles yesterday. I started out writing the article for a blogpost and somehow wound up writing a full length article.  At first I was kind of skeptical. I always am. I always question things that I am not familiar with. After reading some of the other posts and poking around some more I took the plunge.  If you aren't familiar with Street Articles, take a couple of minutes and explore. You can find it right here at WA. (This is not a paid endorsement. I  only se
Good Day My Friends, Colleagues, Buds and Buddettes, You know with marketing, whether it is Article or web, fish or foul fowl  a person can run smack dab into a barrier of gargantuan proportions. Now, how the barrier gets there is anybody's guess. Most of us (Self included) have the initial reaction of "Golly Gee!  What the heck is this stuff, and how can I work around it? (Language edited to keep post approved for all audiences)  The barrier itself may have come from an ou
July 19, 2011
I just got back from adding Meta keywords and phrases from my word press blog It takes me awhile to get a grasp on these things..While I was doing this I read somewhere "You don't need to put all this meta-stuff in. Most search engines don't require meta stuff any more." I don't know how true this is but I look at it this way. If I was marooned on a desert island somewhere but still had a working GPS or a cellphone, would I hesitate to call for help or would I
I've been gone awhile. Things got a little hectic around here...but that's history. I didn't completely give up though. I worked at several different concepts in marketing and article writing, but just could not for the life of me seem to accomplish anything. In other words .I admit it......I do need help with some of my skills when it comes to putting the meat out there for carnivores.   I've had my blog for awhile now , but  really just started working