Standing Down

Last Update: July 26, 2010

This will probably be my last blogpost for awhile. No, I'm not leaving WA.
I'll miss it, but as of late, I have had a hard time staying focused on any particular subject. I realized the fact this morning after my 5th attempt of writing here on my blog. I have a lot on my mind right now.

My only sister fell and broke her hip a couple a of weeks ago. She hasn't been in the best of health anyway for the last several years. She got real old, real fast. She's recovering--but slow and touch and go.

My youngest son (18) paid us a visit from Korea not long ago. He lives with my youngest daughter and her children over there. It was a lot harder seeing him off at the airport this time.

My oldest daughter, a career Marine, just deployed to Afghanistan a week ago. I worry. Just like my mom and dad worried about me and my brothers 40 years ago.Even though she's well trained in the 'art of war', she's still my baby. I have  become a part of a fraternity of moms and dads with their children going into harm's way. It doesn't matter if you are male or female if you wear a uniform you become a target. (Hell, you don't even need a uniform these days.)

My father once told me "Son. If you can't keep your mind on what you are doing, you won't do a good job. When you don't do a good job it doesn't just hurt you, it hurts the people you are doing the work for."
I like good work. Staying focused is a key element in everything worth doing.

Since I can't seem to do this right now, I'm going to take it down a notch.

Thanks for listening.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Barnabus, I can't say it better than Jennifer and Jay. I feel complete gratitude to you and your family for everything you have done to help and protect our nation. I realize you are a military family. I wish your sister a full recovery and send you all love and prayers. Looking forward to when you return.
magistudio Premium
I concur with Jennifer... And even though I am north of the border, I am still thankful for anyone who is involved in protecting your nation. Maybe there is a positive to this and you can write a guide on dealing with this. I am aware there are many 'prepare for military' ebooks out there - but there should also be a 'parents prepare for military'.

At any rate - my prayers are with you.
PotPieGirl Premium
You and your family are in my prayers. And please, tell your oldest daughter, "THANK YOU!". Anyone who puts his/her self in harms way to protect me and MY family is an absolute hero in my book. Let your mind be where it needs to be now... you have a lot going on. We will be right here when you back =)

All the best! Jennifer ~PotPieGirl