WA Community-Whistle Blowers and Bell Ringers?

Last Update: October 11, 2010

I get irritated when I buy something and it doesn't live up to my expectations. Be it as it may, I hold no one at fault when I get less than I expected. I figure "What the hell. I'll make it work."

It can be a software package, a nano I-pod, or even a widget (whatever the heck that is). I paid good money for these things, and by gosh, if I don't get what I pay for I get upset. Having the feeling of getting scammed is the first thing that comes to mind. However, I've seen other people buy the same things and they have no problems making all the bells ring and the whistles blow. Shoot, some of these people are so good with the bells and whistles, they are doggoned  virtuosos. I use the same type of instrument and when I can't make it work, I figure the bell clapper is made of cotton, or the little round ball in the whistle is deformed.

To me, packages with the claim to fame of teaching 'step-by-step how-to-methods' are ranked right up there with those bells and whistles. Some people jump right into the program, zoom through the instructions, get the job done and  start bringing in the bucks. Other people,well, the person seems to struggle the moment he/she log in to the portal, (Is that the right term?) and it goes downhill from there. Starting off, not sure of what they are getting into, the confusion continues to worsen. A feeling of "Oh-no. More money wasted.Scammed again." The answer to their quandry is "Poor dear. Keep trying. You are just overwhelmed."


The more I hear that term the more I hate it. Calling someone "overwhelmed" doesn't really help and can actually make a person feel mentally challenged. How about using the word 'Frustrated' every once in awhile? People easily relate to the feelings of frustration a helluva lot more. If I can't get my bell to ring like the others, and my whistle to be as loud as the rest, I won't get overhelmed. I'll get frustrated. I'll quit. Sure, I might try a little more, but quitting will be so much easier.

Support is perhaps, no, not perhaps, is the most important factor when having a community as large as WA. I don't really believe I have to remind the members of WA, people from all backgrounds are here, trying to improve their quality of life. Many of these men and women want the assurance of having help when they need it. When no one answers the call for help,you can almost count on the person leaving at the close of their subscription. Who can blame them? All they wanted was some help to get their bell to ring in a clear tone, or their whistle to sound off a bit louder.

One of the things that drew me here to WA was the assurance of a community working together. It has delivered on the promise. So I'm satisfied. There are some issues that could be and should be resolved, but I'll save those for another day and a different blog post.

In the meantime, I'll tune my bell as best as possible to ring it's truest, and blow the whistle however ragged sounded it may be, whenever I feel the need.

Good Day to You All.

Peace, Barnabus

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famousplumber Premium
Bill - Maybe I'm missing your message, yet I think I get it. I can tell you that I am always willing to help, if you ask. If I don't have the answer, I'll darn well find it for you!

Labman_1 Premium
Nice. Just ask for help and most of the time someone will provide a solution if possible. I know everyone is busy chasing the elusive green but there are a few that check in and try to help.