Posts by Dave B 24
Well, it had to happen I guess. The price of ANC went up today and I told everyone about it a few days back. Anyone who got in before the increase took effect was grandfathered in at the old price for life. Result. A veritable swamping of last minute applications. Great and welcome aboard! All our reports cover profitable niches, we are in these niches, our members are in these niches. There’s room for competition, for sure. These are big deep niches and we give you lots of angles on how to pr
As you know ANC is now just over a year old and Thad and I have just  completed a strategic review of our ‘product’ and in particular it’s positioning in the market place. We have come to the conclusion that our current pricing structure not only way undervalues the club but also is not fair on our existing members. Some of our members have been with us from day #1, some have been with us for several months. Great! But the bottom line is that someone can join today for just $9 and ge
MacArthur Park... Just because... There will be another song for me...
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First, I bloody hate Carly Simon so you're not getting a version of that dreadful ditty. Twas about Jagger apperently so you can have him in a mo. Anyways, I wanted to put up some new pics of the boys on here and a better pic of me cause that one in the beanie hat (that I use in the forums) was too fuzzy in here. That's because it was a very small pic. So, I took some shots with my Flip vid and loaded 'em to test.  But when I tried to get rid of 'em it left some empty gaps. This used to hap
September 17, 2009
See my Love Missile! <object width="425" height="355" title=""> <embed width="425" height="355" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>  Just in case the video doesn't load here's my love missile. It's a test... designed to provoke an emotional response. Shoot it up!
Wanna know how to succeed at this biz? Yep? OK here we go. 1. Find Hungry Niche (targeted group of people) 2. Identify needs / wants / desires / problems of those people. 3. Then find product(s) to fulfill / solve #2 #1 - #3 are critical and you will fail if you do not master these. This is why most people fail and give up or constantly look for easy 'out of the box' solutions from the Gurus. If you get these first stages right you cannot fail. Go to Training Center > Research and familiaris
September 17, 2009
Here, listen up! Someone said WA was like the blind leading the blind... I don't think so (though many can't seem to see what's in front of 'em). Anyways this is what the blind look like:- Voodoo People I dunno all that running about (blindly). Got to be a better way, right? And there is. I'll tell ya about it later...
WTF!? Over 1000 buddy requests. I'm a loner. Sad but true. Must be a bug. I'm not responding. Don't be upset. I don't care... really.  
September 16, 2009
See, I told ya I was:- Sparticus (Ronnell):- Dave B Another Hot Chick:-
1 comment
September 15, 2009
LOL! That got ya!! Gotta boost my ranking. There's only one spot to go for. That's #1. I was cheated out of the top slot last time by some devious moves from across the ice pond. Whatever you do, don't click on Thad's spacey bit, OK? That car is stolen! Dave B Oh, I almost forgot... the hot chick...