Don't Give Up, Just Lie!

Last Update: May 01, 2011

That's the title of an article I read this morning over coffee and just loooved reading it. Inspirational!

It's about Kathryn Stockett, author of the best seller "The Help". 

Her book was rejected 60 times until finally, an editor acknowledged her manuscript and bought it. "The Help", sold to Amy Einhorn Books AFTER 60 ATTEMPTS!!!! BRAVA!!! Mission accomplished.

Ms. Stockett's husband describes his wife's best trait as "She never gives up!" Then he described her worst trait as "She NEVER GIVES UP!" Brava again!!!

Needless to say, she went through countless revisions, rewrites, tweaking, perfecting, accepting criticism and resolving objections by perfecting her script. She just made it better. You can always make things better, and rejection is sometimes our friend. Never worry about rejection. Rejection is opportunity.

60 rejections later, finally letter 61 was the one that accepted her book.

She was subject to well intended friends' pressure to give up. Not everyone is driven like this and some people get tired.

Relinguish her dream? NO WAY! They just didn't understand her drive, her tenacity, and the will to succeed. Even her husband got antsy. She found that she had to make excuses so she could take off and write in peace. She had to lie to her husband, sneaking off to hotels on weekends to get in a few hours of writing. He thought she was having an affair.

Succeed she did, and how! She wrote a best seller.

If she had given up, all she'd have for her effort would be letters of rejection and a feeling of unfulfillment.  Kathryn gave in to her obsession instead. Brava again!

Her advice: "If your friends make fun of you for chasing your dream, remember- just lie".

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Wayne Hudler Premium
Good point. Lying to avoid the naysayers comments or obstruction is understandable. I mean having the same conversation with the same people repeatedly is the definition of wasting time.

Be confident in your work. Fulfill your mission.

Press forward.
HerbDoc Premium
Thank you! This came at just the right moment.
I have been so close so many times (including today) to just throwing in the towel because after 4 months of trying I haven't had any success yet at this business no matter what I do. You've help me to remember why I'm doing this. To your success!
Labman_1 Premium
In his book "On Writing" Stephen King recounts a similar theme. Most of his early work was for magazines that paid poorly, his book "Carrie" was rejected so many times that he had stopped following its progress. Haven't read "the Help" yet but it is now on my radar.
Fallulah Premium
Liking that a lot ... and feeling justified for all my guilty feelings lol!
DABK Premium
She's so right!