Everything is Packaging and Marketing...Everything!

Last Update: June 03, 2010

Yes, everything: movie stars, movies, musicians, rock stars, politicians, television shows, artists, heck, even toilet paper! Have you seen pictures of Marilyn Monroe before they packaged her? Lovely, but she wasn't Marilyn Monroe yet. Look at what was created with just some vision and know how.

                 "Don't go looking for atmosphere, bring it with you"

Innocent sounding, but given the source, it is  a powerful example of good philosophy and excellent marketing.

It's a quote from Geoffrey Holder. Remember him? He's the uncola nut guy. He's tall, like a genie, with a deep resonant voice. You can't mistake him for anyone else. Not only is he an entertaining and colorful individual, but from this statement, he seems to have a great awareness of how to package himself as an entertainer and artist. I'm pretty sure this pronouncement was spontaneous, but it does coincidentally dovetail into the image we all have of Geoffrey Holder as a performer. Maybe nature packaged him, but there is nothing vague about who he is or his professional image.  

To introduce it to the public, every smart idea needs to be packaged in some way. Sometimes the genius of an idea is in the packaging. That's how powerful packaging is. How fantastic is the pet rock idea without the support of packaging and then marketing? Both things are integral.The complete thing is integral.

We have been learning how to write good copy, how to make a clean, aesthetically pleasing website. That's presentation and packaging. After we package our product, we are learning to market it online, which involves SEO, paid advertising, and articles. Add to that, all the clever things that we discover on our own through trial and error. The whole process is dynamic and that's the fun of it. All the pieces can be changed and tweaked, rearranged, wrecked, then remedied.

Confession time. I've suffered from a degree of intimidation, but maybe only just a little bit. Must get it into my head that IM is not so drastically different from promoting products on land. That powerful little box, called a computer sometimes intimidates me.  You may or may not have the same issue. Guys, I am so looking forward to the time I am as comfortable with the "box" as I am with a paint brush and stick of charcoal. Do you think that will ever happen? I am two with technology. I'm a good sport though. Hanging in there.

That being said and gotten over with, whew... humbling, I love to play games. Do you like games too? Here's a pretend game for you. Imagine you have the next HOT product in your hot little hands, and it's up to you  to launch it, make it or break it. How do you feel? How are you going to handle it? Oh yes, online, offline.




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jatdebeaune Premium
@Benn: MEGA-hype. I would like to see that in action.
@Andre: I found your comments very interesting. Thank you for the words of encouragement too.
@Andrew: Curious to see how you guys would promote an amusing physical product with no real practical application, just ingenious, nonetheless.
Andrew4Study Premium
Great post i really enjoyed reading it. Its really depends how are you putting yourself out there. Agree if someone is not marketing their business, they need to get the skills to do so.

I'm comfortable this the computer stuff its sure is powerfull, learning how to use the power to be more succesffull is one of my goals.

I like games, also computer games, but i dont play them very often. If by HOT product you mean those shiny products, i would drop it. However if its a product what provides great value and be helpful to others, would start to market it untill i succeed. I know this i wouldnt say i made this and this amount of money, instead i would provide why its works.

It would make me feel excited that i can share that kinda information with others.
AndreErasmus Premium
I can feel exactly what you are saying. About 12 years ago when cameras became digital we all looked at it and laughed, there is no way that will take over from film which was the best medium to shoot on and just see what happened. We had to learn quickly. You will definitely become a wizard on the computer if you just plug away at it, it is a never ending learning curve. The whole advertising arena has changed so much you have to capture your customers' attention in seconds otherwise they are gone untill the next time. I tend to agree with you the process of IM is the same as real world advertising.

A client of mine asked me to remove the word "FREE' from his ad and rather say "included", don't really know what the motivation for this is but I think this is a sign of real and virtual alligning itself, because Free is seen as spam by mail servers.

You must keep up the painting, that is the one thing you cannot do on a computer just remember there is no go back button... pity would love to have one for real life.
rookie-san Premium
MEGA-hype it!!! That's what I'd start doing with that HOT product...online AND offline.
I hadn't thought about what I'm learning as presentation and packaging before...hmm...I guess it is so...
Thanx for the insight,
rookie-san Premium
MEGA-hype it!!! That's what I'd start doing with that HOT product...online AND offline.
I hadn't thought about what I'm learning as presentation and packaging before...hmm...I guess it is so...
Thanx for the insight,