Inspiration Strikes!

Last Update: June 08, 2010

I woke up this morning so happy.  Why?  Because an idea that has been ruminating in my brain for some time has finally gelled. I'm ready to pounce. You feel it when it's right. It's going to take a massive effort from me and that's more than OK. I am that excited. Not even thinking about remuneration. This is a labor of love, but I also feel confident people are going to love it too. In my experience, my best work has always happened when I don't care about anything but doing the work itself. So here's goes guys. If you don't see me as much around here at WA, know that I am in the throes of creation.

Love and joy always!


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AndreErasmus Premium
Go for it! Nothing better to have an idea that gets you all excited those are the best ones.
sportsnut Premium
Best of luck! I know you'll be successful.
Jamie Smith Premium
So proud of you as always sister!! Much Love
xmidasx Premium
Hello fellow (ex)New Yorker! I hope you're loving CT. That house looks beautiful! Wow.
Thanks for the great words. I'm completely new to this whole thing.
It's nice to see an inspired, and creative soul!

cld111 Premium
I love when that happens! Enjoy your new creation. :)