Simplicity and BOLD STROKES
Lunch with my WA buddies...
Can't answer this issue for you, but I personally don't have the inclination or patience to chew gum after the flavor has gone out of it. You know that annoying're chewing something and you wonder why? Every project has to maintain a certain vitality in order to engage your vitality to see it through. My foot's in the mud. Don't worry it's temporary. I know how to pull it out. Letting off some steam by stating the obvious.
Experimentation is heady for sure, a great and an essential part of the creative process. It's part of Internet Marketing too. But, you've gotta reach a time when this experimentation bears real fruit, if only as a sign post that leads to the next step. You try different niches and different campaigns, and some hot shot fresh ideas in order to find out what works. If something seems to be working, you build on it. Takes a lot of time and effort, and time is money.
What the heck, I'll stick my neck out here. Forgive my candor. Tend to be outspoken, (understatement). I feel we're here to grow and help one another to grow by sharing our insights. That's the beautiful, brilliant thing about WA. Kyle and Carson wisely encourage this sharing because they know it helps us all to grow. Might even be helping them.
You know that old show biz expression, "cut to the chase"? It fits perfectly here. Guys, I don't see virtue in suffering. I don't like putting my success on hold or in a crockpot. It's true, you don't have control over everything in life, but frankly, I require more control than I have experienced in IM. This is coming from someone who hails from a kamikaze-like industry. How do you feel about it? "Discovery" is nice, but if it's already been discovered, then why do you have to re-discover it? If the knowledge is available, then I want it. When I become proficient enough to invent something in the IM industry, and pass it on to others, then I'll do it. Why is information scattered around like an Easter egg hunt? Pete made an interesting point in one of his most recent blogs. He wrote about how he picks up information from several diverse programs and utilizes what he feels would be beneficial to him. He doesn't depend on an entire program to give him all the answers and he recognizes the benefits in different points of view. And he's done it successfully. I really admire that. Pete has been on an Easter egg hunt though. Bravo to Pete, for his tenacity and judgement. I think he's shown us his wonderful resourcefulness and talent.
I think much of the angst people experience in regard to IM, can be minimized by cutting out the time consuming junk and BS. I spend a lot of time reading information that is not all that useful to me. I know that WA is full of information and growing every day. I haven't even begun to tap that resource. I still maintain that people can be coached into profitabity much faster by pointing out the short cuts. A sale here and there ain't gonna cut it. Let folks learn all the fancy stuff while money is coming in. Do you think I'm being reasonable? I'm feeling restless. If it doesn't take me where I want to go, then I don't want to know about it. Are you there too? No I have no intention of quitting. I'm the chew the leg off type.
I think "discontent and antsy" is a great state to be in, forced to employ economy. Have to telescope in on your ideas. Be clear-sighted. Get rid of time wasters. Pare down, pare down, pare down, till you get to a simple plan that works. Ask for help. Heck, we're in school. Find the most direct route to your goal. Ask all the smart people at WA to help you. I'm asking. You bet!
Then deliver your message simply, clearly, boldly, in your own unique voice, and broadcast it everywhere.
Did I just pull some of the cobwebs off my own action plan? Share with all of us how you feel. If you have advice for me, just shout it out.
I think I need to write a blog to catch you up on what I've been doing. It's relevant to what you're describing here. :-)