Staying Flexible and the Virtue of Keeping an Open Mind
You recognize the "right move" when it appears before you. If you sense something is not quite right, not just the right direction or way you want to go, then listen to your intuition. The right answer will reveal itself to you in its own good time.
There's nothing wrong with delaying action and there's nothing wrong with proceeding with a luke warm action either.
Just some personal experience and insight that has been valuable to me lately, so I'm sharing.
Is there danger in thinking too much? Yes, if it blindsides you. Yes, if it paralyzes you. Yes, if it makes you uptight and precious.
I like the notion of "the work in progress".
Are you ever finished with a site, a niche, a concept, or yourself? Sure hope not. The dynamic of change is what gives everything life. Nature is changing all the time. If things are too pat, then they get boring, both to the observer and to the creator. Keep it fresh! So that's why I like to keep it moving. To my mind, nothing is ever finished, even if you decide to just let it be. It should have that sense of life.
IM benefits, it actually depends on experimentation and change. That's why you can learn the basics of IM, but the "art" comes from you. You make real progress when you try things out. You discover what works. A guru can tell you what he or she did to succeed or not, but that is no guarantee it'll work for you. Frustrating? No, liberating.
Think about it. The power is in your hands. Much safer, huh? You have to trust yourself and your own intuition.
I've been working on a project for a long time, and have had this annoying nagging feeling that something important is missing. A concept, not a detail. Last week, it all started to come together and make sense for me. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting, so acting on this insight is crucial in order to know for sure if my intuition is correct.
If you're feeling stuck on something, get away from it for a couple days. Try to forget about it. Answers will start coming to you. I promise. It works every time.